Do 4-wheelers/pickups have a place in archery hunting?


Other than back at camp, or the trail head at most!!!

I just got back from a three day elk/deer hunt (mostly elk), over labor day weekend. I know, not the best time for an opener, but I didn't make the dates for opening. Mine is not a particularly popular area for general recreation, but it was this weekend! (I think PETA was involved somehow)

Anyway, I've been scouting this area since July 7th, don't see anyone there at all until the archery opener, then there are more people, but they're nice quiet bowhunters right?


Most of these "bowhunters", are driving pickups around the edges of tree-lines, or sitting looking into canyons for elk.
Has the effective range of archery equipment gone up recently?

I thought archery was a game of stealth and skill, but I must be mistaken, as only a couple of us used our feet for something other than the throttle, or to put on the foot rest.

This is a special draw area, the whole reason I put in was so I wouldn't have to deal with so many idiots. Whatever!

My question is do any of you have these issues in your "special areas", and how do you deal with them? Slash tires, sugar in the tank, etc...jk, kinda.

Mostly just a rant to get some of my frustration out with people who understand, and sympathize with my plight.

Nothing special to your area. It requires restriction of access type by those in charge period. If access is not restricted people will take the easiest means possible to access anything. Frustrating for sure.
Holy Shat do I feel your frustration buddy. Exactly why I quit bowhunting. Just sheds now, and even that is getting out of hand. Good luck dude.
I guess I don't understand the frustration. Unless you are hunting the roads and tops of canyons too, they shouldn't bother you at all. I would rather have them up there sitting on their quads than "sneeking" around down in the bottoms where I hunt.

It's always an adventure!!!
I agree with you wholelottabull. I will admit that I used the truck for getting around on my lope hunt but if I hunt deer and elk I use my two feet for the hunt.

>>>---shots that are true pass right through--->
I agree with the above, you just have to learn to get away from them. But most importantly the idea that you would think an appropriate way to deal with it is to slash tires or put sugar in the gas tanks, is crazy and illegal. If they are using roads they may be frustrating you but are not illegal. If they are off road and illegal, then contact the authorities. The fact that you may be frustrated or that you think they may be engaged in illegal activity is no excuse to intentionally and illegally destroy someone's property.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]Wholelottabull, this particular area isn't very large, and thus any un-needed activity affects the behavior, and changes the patterns of the elk immensely. It's not insurmountable, but these folks are supposed to be there for the same reason as I am.

I was really just venting, as I fully realize that no matter where you hunt, there will be a**hats.

And to boot, they weren't really just sitting, but cruising around during the prime elk movement times, early morning (back to bedding areas), and late evening (water, nightly feeding).

As I'm sure you know, anything resembling human activity changes the whole game. Most of my frustration comes from the fact that these fine examples of human flesh haven't spent a minute out scouting, or watching behavior, they just march in like the fricken' army or something.

I'm a firm believer that a little peer pressure sure couldn't hurt anything... If we happen to know someone, or of someone who "hunts" in this manner, we could let them know that if we don't have elk, or deer, or whatever to shoot.....

Have you ever tried fried quad?.......

Just my frustrated .02

After reading the post of caelkhntr, I felt I needed to add just kidding, I wouldn't really shoot a quad.
You are correct that I did not see the jk. However I am not up to date on computer/electronical lingo. So even if I had seen jk I would not have known what it meant. Sorry for the quick and overly critical response. Jim
You've gotta move on friend, it's a fact of life that isn't going away that's why its called public property. We bowhunted in this year and the road traffic was incredible from daylite to dark. We moved down into a steep canyon and hunted 4 days within earshot of the road and never saw another hunter in the field.We were into deer and bear all 4 days.Another thought, just because you don't like the way they "hunt " doesn't make it wrong, if they are legal then more power to them , I don't see any difference in driving the roads versus trolling for fish ,its boring but at least these guys buy a license and get out somewhat and on issues important to you and I at least they will vote with us. you always have to have a back-up plan !
I know of a spot where a lot of deer and elk cross I-15, but I aint gonna hunt there.

P.S. Did you notice if a lot of these road hunters had mullets?
sugar in the gas tank does nothing but cost you sugar.

Spend time glassing distant hillsides to see if the bulls are worth trying for or walk blindly thru the trees...

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