DNR Question

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
Oregon is looking at combining several agencies into the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). I was wondering with people from the states that have a DNR or people that travel and hunt in states that have a DNR think of the positives and negatives of a states dropping their Fish and Wildlife agency and combining it with several other agencies to establish a Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Here is what I just found out about Oregon:

The Oregon Legislature will hear bill SB 521, the bill that establishes the Oregon Department of Natural Resources, on March 1 at 3PM in Hearing Room A at the State Capitol. This bill abolishes the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and puts it under one agency the Oregon Department of Natural Resources. Here are all the agencies that would be combined under the Department of Natural Resources if this bill were to pass:

* State Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Fish and Wildlife Commission,

* State Parks and Recreation Department, State Parks and Recreation Commission,

* Department of State Lands,

* Department of Land Conservation and Development, Land Conservation and Development Commission,

* Land Use Board of Appeals,

* State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries,

* Water Resources Department, Water Resources Commission,

* Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board,

* State Forestry Department, State Board of Forestry and

* Oregon Forest Resources Institute.

DENVER -- The Colorado Division of Wildlife and Colorado State Parks would merge into a new agency under one board and one administration on July 1 under legislation that will soon be submitted to the General Assembly, Gov. John Hickenlooper told a joint meeting of the Colorado Wildlife Commission and the State Parks Board today.

Addressing the joint meeting in the Hunter Education building on the Division of Wildlife campus, the Governor said the merger is part of his overall effort to make state government more effective and efficient. He recalled that in the 1960s and early 1970s, Colorado's state parks and wildlife programs were once managed by a single agency.

"This will be a challenge for all of us," Hickenlooper told the Commission and Board. "What will make this successful is peoples' willingness to work together as we strive for effectiveness and ways to be more efficient. We will need to find common paths, to bring questions and concerns to surface and to deal with them ways that provide assurances to employees while helping us avoid making cuts that would be very painful."

The Governor said he envisions a single agency that would support the gamut of wildlife and outdoor recreation opportunities while also managing a suite of properties that offer everything from active recreation near population centers to hunting and fishing in less-developed areas.

"Our parks system provides an entry-level opportunity for our citizens to experience the outdoors," Hickenlooper said. "If we don't have that, we're putting long-term support for wildlife at risk."

Department of Natural Resources Executive Director Mike King said the bill the administration will soon introduce would combine the Wildlife Commission and Parks Board and create the new agency by July 1. Sen. Gail Schwartz, D-Snowmass Village, Sen. Mary Hodge, D-Brighton, Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg, R-Sterling and Rep. Cheri Gerou, R-Evergreen will sponsor legislation to authorize the consolidation.

A second bill that would make the necessary modifications to state statutes is anticipated to be introduced in January 2012. Teams of employees from the two agencies would be asked to help develop the new organizational structure, he said.

"We've seen efforts before where outside consultants came in to tell us what the structure should look like," King said. "We've already got the talent we need to do this in these two agencies. They know what values need to be preserved. We're going to bring them together and ask them to chart the future."

Several other Western states operate combined parks and wildlife agencies, including Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Texas. Washington and Oregon are also currently in the process of combining their wildlife and parks programs. King said that 39 state parks offer fishing while 32 offer hunting opportunities and that wildlife revenues can be directed to parks for expenditures that primarily benefit wildlife habitat, wildlife viewing or other wildlife-related pursuits.

Both the Wildlife Commission and the Parks Board said they applauded the Governor's decision to address the situation facing State Parks and pledged to work to build the new agency.

"During the recovery of economy nationwide, no issue is more challenging than the problems facing state local government," said Parks Board member Bill Kane. "We stand ready and willing to do what can to make a successful endeavor."

Earlier in the meeting, Division of Wildlife Director Tom Remington briefed the Wildlife Commissioners on the 2010 harvest statistics. Hunters harvested a total of 48,018 elk, up slightly from 2009. Last year, cow elk represented 54 percent of the harvest. About half of the bulls harvested were taken by hunters who bought over-the-counter licenses, rather than applying through the limited license draw.

"We continue to harvest more elk in Colorado every year than most other states have," Remington said. In 2010, hunters harvested 12,301, topping the 12,000 mark for the first time. Remington said the harvest showed the Division's efforts to work with private landowners to increase hunting opportunity is paying off.

Deer harvest in 2010 was also up slightly. Hunters took a total of 34,768 deer in 2010. About half of the hunters during rifle seasons filled their tag, showing that Colorado continues to offer a tremendous opportunity for hunting quality mule deer, Remington said. He added that the deer population appears to be rebounding well from the harsh winter of 2007 and 2008.

In other action, Wildlife Commissioners reviewed draft language for a new regulation prohibiting the hunting, harassment or take of black bears in their dens and a regulation eliminating the $5 permit for hunting Greater Prairie chicken, though a small game license would still be required. Both regulations could be finalized at the May Commission meeting in Salida.

Commissioners also approved a surface use agreement for natural gas development at the James Mark Jones State Wildlife Area in South Park and denied a citizen rulemaking petition requesting that the Commission revise regulations pertaining to sponsorship requirements for wildlife rehabilitators.

During the afternoon session, Commissioners received a presentation on the hydrology of the Colorado River and the Wildlife Commission's role in reviewing water development plans proposed by Denver Water and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District.

Wildlife Commissioners also unanimously reelected Chairman Tim Glenn, Vice Chairman Robert Streeter and Secretary Mark Smith to serve for the next year.

On Friday, the Wildlife Commission meets with the boards of the Colorado Cattlemen's Association and the Colorado Farm Bureau in the Bighorn Room at the Colorado Division of Wildlife's headquarters. The joint meeting, held annually, is scheduled to run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The Wildlife Commission meets monthly and travels to communities around the state to facilitate public participation in its processes. In 2011, the Commission will meet in Meeker, Salida, Grand Junction, Montrose, Alamosa, Steamboat Springs, Pueblo, Yuma, and Fort Collins. The first three meetings of 2011 have been held in Denver.

The Colorado Wildlife Commission is an 11-member board appointed by the governor. The Wildlife Commission sets Division of Wildlife regulations and policies for hunting, fishing, watchable wildlife, nongame, threatened and endangered species. The Commission also oversees Division of Wildlife land purchases and property regulations.

Information about the Wildlife Commission, including meeting agendas, can be found at http://wildlife.state.co.us/WildlifeCommission/
not sure if DNR is merged with fish and game in Hawaii but DNR there might as well be a gestapo, well unless you are a local from Hana.
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