DNA Tests Could Trap Poachers

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
Groundbreaking DNA Tests Could Trap Poachers

We all know how hard it is for law enforcement to identify poachers with the crimes sometimes happening in remote areas, little physical evidence, and little human DNA left behind. The University of Strathclyde have found a method to pick up these low levels of DNA to identify the poachers. This could be a new way for law enforcement to protect our wildlife.
OK Manny!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Getting DNA results back from the lab on violent criminal acts, murder, rape, takes many weeks to several months in some areas due to backlog of requests. It's not like on T.V. where the results are next day. Heck, some of the tests requires a week or more to run.

It is expensive also. Guess which cases will be shoved to the backburner if they request DNA comparsion for game violations. You'r right, those game violations requests will go to the back burner and you might get a result in 6 months or so if you are lucky.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-12 AT 06:05AM (MST)[p]It wouldn't be shoved on the backburner in some states like Wyoming that have their own F&G Lab to do those types of things instead of having to ship stuff to a State Police Crime Lab. In fact, I would bet that states would work with each other on major violations to expedite results of evidence.
DNA technology for solving poaching cases has been around for years, but like RELH suggested, it is expensive. I was told it costs in the neighborhood of $2,500-$3,000 to run a documented DNA test from a certified lab, and remember, every case requires at least two. From an economic stand point, running DNA tests on every suspected poaching case will quickly shoot a hole in any law enforcement budget. Consequently, according to my source, DNA profiling is done in only the most egregious cases where a conviction is otherwise unobtainable.
+2!Anything that helps put these d-bags where they belong works for me!Stick 'em with the bill and pin a felony on their sorry a$$es!!
Now you're talking! With most of these crimes being misdemeanors unless it involves interstate commerce when they can move it up to felony charges, the penalties are just not enough to stop a lot of what is going on!
Longun hit the nail on the head! Just pass the cost along to the poacher. I'd like to see poachers pay way more than they currently do.

>Now you're talking! With most
>of these crimes being misdemeanors
>unless it involves interstate commerce
>when they can move it
>up to felony charges, the
>penalties are just not enough
>to stop a lot of
>what is going on!

At least some states like Oregon have increased their poaching fines into the thousands of dollars. Judges are cracking down harder on poachers as well. I'm not seeing or hearing about just a slap on the hand like it used to be.
Yup pass the cost on.....easy to say. How about the death and destruction I've seen after 25 years of law enforcement from speeding?? I'm tired of paying for it on my insurance.Speed kills thousands every year. And you don't have to be going 100 mph. The $$billions in law suits and damage ought to be passed on to speeders. Should work out to a few thousand for a speeding ticket. Poachers are criminals but catching them and the cost ought to be left as is. Just my opinion. Catching poachers has a cost we all end up paying.
We can tell a poacher that he has to pay a fine, but we can't make him do it. remember, its not against the law to not pay your bills!

Many of probationers and parolees finish their respective programs in the criminal justice system but are released without paying the necessary fines and fees that they should. A probationer not paying his 30 bucks a month is not a reason, financially to the state, to keep them on probation.
So, in turn, even if you told a poacher to pay 8000 restitution, he'd never do it. until we start locking people away for not paying anyways....

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