DIY Record Book Moose



I just got back from a DIY Alaskan trip with my Dad, and what a great trip it was. What a grand adventure! More details to follow sometime, but the short of it is that I harvested this record book bull with my new custom Saphire longbow/hybrid by Ernie Mckenzie from Lolo MT. One shot with my 5575 GoldTip armed with a 125 grain Magnus Stinger and this bull was down. He grosses about 198. He isn't that wide, but boy is he heavy. He carries his antlers upright and has ton of mass, which is exactly what I like. Thanks for a great trip Dad. Thanks to a fellow MM member, VEK for all of the help to make this possible, and thanks Ernie for making such an awesome bow. It was a pleasure to put it to good use.
Awesome story, That bad boy is really heavy. Congrats on the hunt. No maybe we can talk raffle tag mule deer :)

congrats again
My Pleasure on the bow Doug...Congrats on a great moose. Thats the first critter ever killed with a Sapphire Hawk! You'll have to be on the front of my brochure/website....when I get them done.

Its a longbow HH...not that it matters!

Congrats again,

Thanks everyone. I'll see if I can't find a monster for you and your Dad Garrett. Of course for a month or two I'll be trying to put myown all season tag to use. I'd love to stick one with another one of those sharp sticks. I've got 5 left. Sounds good Ernie, I'm sure many more animals will fall to a Sapphire Hawk.
DIY stands for Do It Yourself = No outfitter/guide. Anyway, great bull, thanks for the picture.
Sweet bull and with a long bow, you must have been up close and personally what was the distance, I am very envious maybe next year I shall go moose hunting. congrats
I called him in and he came out of the alders at 29 yards broadside circling me. He was exactly downwind when I let her fly. He ran right at me and I about crapped my drawers. He stopped about 15 feet below me( thank god for a little elevation o dip between us), faltered a bit, turned and went about 20 yards and piled up heaving.
Nicely done bone! Just got back from a 10-day Moose adventure myself and I can honestly say that you shootin' that big guy with a long bow is an impressive feat! I felt extremly lucky to get mine with a rifle. Congratulations to ya!

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