Divorce really sucks


I want to thank Rans (Overton) for letting you all know I am getting divorced. The secret clubhouse went to far and Rans spilled the beans. I knew he could not be trusted, lol. Truth is Rans at one time was our best little customer. He just got to be to much, heck he wore us out!!! Feleno worked so much overtime we had to cut him loose.

On a serious note it is true. I meet my wife when I was 18 and later married when I was 22. I am 39 now and as I type this it is my last night at the place I call home. Tomorrow is moving day and it breaks my heart as we have two kids, Alex who is 12 and Kayla who is 9. They are real troopers and I am so proud of how they are handling this. When I feel down like tonight I remember and think about those who are worse off like our friend who lost his brother just recently. My glass is half full and things will be ok.
Dude... you left yourself open for some cheap shots! Some how that just doesn't seem right.

Hang in there.... tomorrow is another day.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>Dude... you left yourself open for
>some cheap shots! Some how
>that just doesn't seem right.
>Hang in there.... tomorrow is another
>"The Road goes on forever &
>the Party never Ends"

Well Slick ya maybe so? Thanks bro
Rug, hang in there bro. Let me know if you need any help moving or anything else. Crappy deal for sure.
Good luck to you. I dont know you on a personal level but I've always respected you and what you've had to say on this site. Things will get better!
>Thanks guys. Slammy you are a
>lucky man for sure!!! She
>is a beautiful lady. I
>am happy for you brother!!!

I missed slams post above, I was like WTF slam you stole his woman??!!! lol

Lmao justr!
Rug, she just told me to say "thank you" and to stay strong, positive and let your kids know that you love them every day!
We're here for you and if you need to chat, you know you can always catch me in Facebook ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]Thanks Slammy, you are truly one of the good guys hear and a great person.

Does she have a sister? LOL J/K
I've been through it. It seems like the end of the world, but time heals the wound. Lean on friends and family for support. Say nothing negative in front of the kids. Don't argue about petty stuff. Things seem huge at the start, but In time you will see how small they really were.
Ya know, it's not too late for a trip to Kona to sooth the soul. Besides, after tomorrow she can't tell you no.
>Ya know, it's not too late
>for a trip to Kona
>to sooth the soul.
>Besides, after tomorrow she can't
>tell you no.

I wish I could, due to funds well ya know. lol
Rug, that does suck! I think I know what happened. Being a mod on MM put too much pressure on you and your marriage. You never should have done it.

Look what happened to Slam!:)

Sorry Rug but I listen to the devil and he told me to start that thread just before he got in his UHP cruiser and went to work. But he shall remain nameless...
>Sorry Rug but I listen to
>the devil and he told
>me to start that thread
>just before he got in
>his UHP cruiser and went
>to work. But he shall
>remain nameless...

LOL Rans no worries buddy!!!! I will deal with him later!!
"Divorce really sucks"..........No, it dosen't.

It is a fact of the world we live in.

Simple things to keep in mind;
It's up to you how it affects the kids. Stay close to them.
Keep a civil relationship with the ex.


Mark the calendar for a year from today and let us know how you are coping. I'm bettin' you are going to feel a WHOLE lot better than you do right now!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Rugster keep your head up and eyes on the prize buddy!! It only sucks for a minute...I think a little shed hunting on The Strip this spring should cheer you up!! :) If not we can always sit at the bar in Fredonia and cry about our ex wives lol

LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-11 AT 09:54?PM (MST)

Never met you Rug, nor have I met most of the guys on MM. This hasn't been a great week for a few of us. Kind of a 9/11 for the MMers but attitudes make the difference in all we do, or so it seems to me. In spite of your heart ache I don't hear you cussing your situation, hanging your head, or bad mouthing anyone, especially your ex wife. Like I said, I don't know you but I'm betting your going to find a great future for yourself and your loved ones because, you will make it happen. Positive expectations create positive results. I'm betting on you. Sounds to me like there are a lot of folks on MM that agree.

Tomorrow's a new day, just like every day. Thank goodness for new days. All the best.

I'm a "stranger" too.....but have gone through divorce and the loss of a family. All I can tell you is to see, talk to, teach and play with your kids.

I can also wish you and promise that time will lessen the ache.

Good luck!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Know how you feel Rug. Goin through it myself right now. You find out who your friends really are in a time like this.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
I hope all goes ok, Rug. Not much more to say. You'll get through it and when the kids get older, they'll understand why. Hang in there. If I'm not mistaken, don't you have quite a few inmates you can get your frustrations out on? :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
keep the kids every other week and don't let your wife ever see you sweat!..don't give her the satifaction.. alot of times they want to see the pain they caused in your life.. been there done that, my kids were 8 and 4. they are 24 and 20 now and doing good! good luck
It's the Bush's fault!

At least you'll get all the a$$ you want at work!

Give her an STD before you go!

Sorry Rug! Been there and i know how it hurts. "Till death do you part" Yeah Right!!

Sorry Rug , I know that this has been tough and you are going to have your ups and downs . You two have great kids , and I know between the two of you the kids are going to be fine . You know I'm allways just a phone call away .

I'll see you in the morning .
Rug take care and keep your chin up! Your MM fam cares alot about you. Stay strong sir! Things will get brighter. They always do. The old saying of " darkest before dawn".... its a new day my friend!!!
Divorce and Injury changes a guys life big time.

You are always welcome to swing by here and talk if ya need some release......

I am here for the next 3-4 weeks recovering-- so anytime is fine...I might put ya to work though on heavy stuff!! haha

With no more 'Kitchen Pass' needed-----you in Wyo with me this summer scouting/hiking/'Local Talent' review? ha


I hate to hear that, you seem like such a good dude. I hope everything goes smoothly for you today.

My parents divorced when I was 5 and my little bro was 4 yrs old.

It sucks for everyone but really sucks for the kids.
Sorry to hear the news. As others said, things will get better and some day you'll be able to look back on this and know it was the right decision. Things will get better. Use your handcuffs on someone else and never look back.
Rug, I will give you the same advice that my lawyer gave me. "Two years from now you be thanking your lucky stars that you got rid of that Bit%&." Hold your head up high and look at all the new possibilities that are in store for you.
been there done that. I don't know ya either but I do know sorta what your going through. Our situations sounds real similar. Ages and kids. One boy and one girl. Their doing better with it and I think they adjust better. But talk to them cuz their hard to read
I got a ton of advice and opinions from every guy out there who had went through the big d. And a lot of it was kinda right. One thing that stuck out most was from a friend who said "forget all that forgive and forget crap. It's about accepting" and on a lighter note :) the other best advice I got was
The easiest way to get over a woman was to put a different one under ya!
That works. All ready met the greatest chick ever! I guess my 2 cents and it probably ain't worth that is. God opens doors for people. See those and be thankful. Good luck mm bro
hang in there pardner . iv'e been through a few and probably have another coming soon. this time i will be a career bachelor. no live ins no wives ! tracy lawrence has a song "getting used to the pain"
and thats exactly how divorce is. take care and don't go off the deep end
My first wife & I divorced back in 1988.
Though I was heart sick at the time, it turned out to be the best damn thing that ever happened to me.
I had the time of my life as a single dude and made up for a WHOLE LOT of lost opportunities in my late twenties ...:)
I suppose it would have been a whole lot different if I'd had kids though.

Meeting my current wife of 20 years improved my life beyond my wildest dreams.
After the disastrous first go around, I was much more focused on what was going to be important to me in a mate.
It worked out very well for me.

You'll be fine Rug, just stay positive, make new goals for yourself and stay close to your kids.

Good morning,

I will not be on here for a couple of days but I wanted to thank everyone for there kind words. In 30 minutes my friends will be here to start helping me move. I need to finally get my other putter fixed so I can be back in business at my new home, lol.

During difficult times it is amazing how many people who I have and have never meet step up and offer support. My mail box is very active, I thank those of you who sent me PM's. Tag your a hell of a guy and your always welcome in my camp!!!

Again thank you all I better get busy now.. Jason
Sorry to hear of your troubles; BTDT. Best thing you can do is keep your focus on your kids and don't badmouth the soon to be ex in front of them. I expect you will have a few bad days/nights but, as others have said you will recover and things in your life will get better.

Best to you...


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Having went through it my self I know how you feel. Its tuff at first, but spend as much time with the kids as you can that is the most important thing. My ex used my son to torcher me for leaving her and I just pushed through it all letting my son know how much I loved him no matter what the ex said. Today it has made all the difference. My son knows that I love him and would do any thing for him, and he has seen that everything his mother has said about me is BS.

Good luck, I hope the best for you and your kids. Be strong and give you kids all the love and support you can.

Oh ya like so one else has said never let your kids hear you say bad things about their mother, I think that helps them and your relationship with them.


I just stopped by to help and looks like your not there for now. If you see this, call me I will come right over. Check your PM's. I will do a drive by in a bit to try to catch you there.

I hope I'm never there...but +1 on what never_catch said!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Tough times ahead but no barrier to great. Stay close to the kids. To live in the land of many dreams one must leave the land of discontent. Never look back. It can get better if you let it. Good luck and when things are down and ya need a friend. Ya got MM We are here for ya buddy.

. Rutnbuck
Hope you are hanging in there Rug, we are all here for you, and if you need anything please let us know... BTW just remember "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it "

+1000 on keeping your kids close :) Becki

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