

Long Time Member
Ok i got Dish TV! For the most part, i like it. It's a little spendy, about $60. a month and for that, i don't get the HBO or other movie channels. I believe way back 6 years ago when i signed up they called it the "top 200". I get VS,the outdoor channel and ICTV, which sometimes shows some outdoors programming. I don't want to sign a contract to any long term obligations but and wondering if there's a better deal out there. Seems i'm just spending too much for what i get??

Also, The Olympics are on, i'm liking the hell out of them but it's snowing outside, quite a bit actually, and for about the tenth time this year i'll now have to get dressed and put the boots on to go outside and clear the snow from that frigging Dish!!! :)

Someone said to put a garbage bag over the thing...any ideas?

Well sage,
I agree,they've got it rigged where you have to buy a bunch of channels most people don't even watch just so you can get certain channels you want.
And of course,ain't nothing cheap anymore,other than the way stuff is built.
I used to sweep the snow off my old big 9' dish once in a while but with this new little dish I've never swept it off one time & we've had about 25 different snows storms this winter & I really haven't seen the reception change much so I wouldn't get to worried about the dish unless the snow is getting deep enough to cover it clear up?
I've heard you can become a Pirate & get Free programming?
sage the Pirate }>}>}> LMAO!
Its all a rip off! We pay around $75 a month for our Direct TV and that package don't even include the Outdoor channel, it costs about $3 extra a month.
And Verses is no longer on Direct TV, that really ticks me off!
The little 2 foot dish that i have gets a little snow on it, we got about 18" more in last day or two, and zap, it won't see the satellite, slowly but then fully breaks up programming altogether.

CS, Wow! thought i was getting a bum deal!! Might be time to check out Dish...

Someone else mentioned spraying Pam on the dish??

CS, I never heard of a DVR, or didn't pay attention, but googled it up. Sounds like a neat feature and i could see that costing extra.

I melt candle wax on to my snow shovel so the snow won't stick to that and it works great...snow slides right off. Wonder if i did that to the dish...

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 06:14AM (MST)[p]Joey - when it is dry, try spraying the dish with Pam or some other cooking oil spray - it won't melt the snow - just keep it from sticking to the dish and won't hurt your dish. You could put a plastic bag over it too as suggested.

The only other alternative if you have to have satellite is DirecTV and they aren't going to be any less pricey. The question of value that you brought up is always a good question. You basically need to do your research and look at the prices available for the programming you want and determine if it a value to you. Ask yourself - is the programming you want worth the price you are paying to you?

I worked for DirecTV for a few years and had ALL the channels (except porn) for free - it was cool but way too much Rated R crap after about 7PM. I set the locks and limits for nothing above PG-13 and out of all the movie channels there would only be 3 or 4 that weren't locked. So I decided then that there was no way it would ever be "worth" it to me to pay that high of a price for locked channels. We finally whittled it down and figured out that all the channels we watched and really used all the time were on the most basic package, with only a couple of exceptions. When I quit working for them we switched to the lowest package and lost a few channels but figured out quickly we didn't really miss them all that much. So the question of value is really up to you. If you don't mind paying what you do for what you get, then it is probably worth it.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I never ordered any movies, or did anything that would cause my bill to change, and with direct tv my bill would slowly work its way up until I would call and throw a fit about it. get it taken care of then 2 months later my bill that was supposed to be 40 is almost 70. I switched to dish network and like their programming better and they have not messed with my bill yet. Its still highway robbery but dish is better.


Well Sage consider yourself lucky you are only spending $60 bucks a month. I think that I am up to $100 with the dvr, 3 receivers and HBO. The wife is hooked on "Big Love" and it helps me understand why every Utah hunter has 20 people in the picture of there kill.
I have Dish & like it better than Direct TV.
Joey, check out channel 285, they just added The Sportsmam's channel to most packages.
It is getting missed by a lot of guys because it isn't located b/t Versus & The Outdoor channel, it's way up by the movie channels.
Ask Dish about the Family Package. It's never listed on their options but if you ask they should give it to you. We pay $20 a month which works out to $29 after all the taxes and fees. We get all the locals, Outdoor Channel, DVR and about a hundred other channels. Wife gets the Food Network and kids get lots of cartoon channels. I don't watch much, but having the DVR set for shows I do like makes it really nice. I could take or leave satellite, but I couldn't live without the DVR.

On the snow issue, Dish makes a cover that goes over your dish which keeps a lot of the snow off and makes it so you just have to whack the cover when the snow does build up.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 06:33AM (MST)[p]Justr_86, I threatened to go to Direct a couple times when something would go bad with my equipment. I'd go round and round with the service dept, them wanting to charge me for the needed repairs or upgrades, me saying not hardly until they finally agreed to fix it for free. I actually thought Direct TV was going to be better. Not so sure now.

Roy, Thanks for the confirmation on the tips!! It really does get to be a pain as snow slides off my roof and must be shoveled just to get to the dish...and it always seems to happen late at night when i'm in a good movie or like last night, the Olympics. Pain!!

Hate to whine about the cost of the thing, gives me much entertainment. $2.00 a day ain't too bad i guess but this time of year especially, it all adds up to just too damn much!

I heard that turtle fat rubbed on the dish will keep birds from crapping on it. Wonder if it'll do any good keeping snow from sticking??

Edit; H.Harry, Hot Dam!!! 285 it is! I get it!! Thank You, just now added it to my fav's! MonsterMuleys comes thru again!!

I'm not sure exactly what my bro and I pay per month (just give him however much he says I owe for that month) but we have Direct TV and I like it a lot. The only stuff I really watch is poker and of course my NBA League Pass ($189 per year). The DVR was the coolest thing is the world though for recording games I was going to miss. Then I learned about this thing, I got for free but had no idea about til a couple months ago, called NBA League Pass Broadband where they have damn near the entire season archived and live, and I can watch em all on my laptop anytime I want. I don't think we've ever really had any receiver problems with the dish and snow?? It definately gets covered when it snows though...

Logslinger, I hope that wife has a job that helps pay fer that $100 bill every month! Actually, at times i could see where having a wife around could be kinda nice! :)

Haz, i thought of calling them up and seeing if they have a package something just like that. Seems they been advertising something like that on TV as well. I ain't signing up for any long term commitments though. I could/might be moving from my little rental cabin, for the good, or worse, and don't wanna be on the hook fer nothing i'm not using. Worth looking into though, Thanks!!

One guy i know has a wild-land firefighter backpack pump that he can shoot enough and far enough water to blast the dang snow off the thing. That would work if i had me one of them!

I've wanted to swtich from Comcast to Dish or Direct for a long itme now to save a few bucks, but neither of them have both "The Mtn" and "Versus" and that means I can't watch my MWC football, so its a no-go! Plus its snowing like Hell right now, and my TV still works ;-)

>I never ordered any movies, or
>did anything that would cause
>my bill to change, and
>with direct tv my bill
>would slowly work its way
>up until I would call
>and throw a fit about
>it. get it taken care
>of then 2 months later
>my bill that was supposed
>to be 40 is almost
>70. I switched to dish
>network and like their programming
>better and they have not
>messed with my bill yet.
>Its still highway robbery but
>dish is better.

Same story here with the Direct TV bill, always something extra on there you have to call and get worked out.
Hey Joey,

We have dish at home and the lake. My solution when we have snow on the dish at the lake is to have Pat go out and get it off....just kidding. Even though we have 200 channels sometimes there is not much on. The DVR is a must, I tape hunting shows and of course Glen Beck.
"I heard that turtle fat rubbed on the dish will keep birds from crapping on it. Wonder if it'll do any good keeping snow from sticking??"

Joey, it should work great. Turtle fat works better than Astroglide!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]And just how would you know that Eel? It's not like you have actually ever killed a turtle or had the occasion to use Astroglide - at least not for it's intended purposes!

(Sorry man - you opened the door WIDE open on that one - LMAO)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That's great news Eel! :)

How's your stock of rendered turtle lard holding up? Can you spare a brother a half pint or so?

Thanks for all the comments guys! Guess i'm sticking with what i have. Another great thing to come outa this thread besides a few chuckles, at least on my part, was finding out from HH that there's another channel, i already get, that shows some good outdoors programming.

Pay them's the American Way!!!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]Joey, my wife is pretty protective of her 55 gallon drum but she said for you a half pint would be no problem.

Roy, you should start saving turtle fat up yourself. 1/2 oz. here and a 1/4 oz. there, judging by the size turtles you kill.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

2 local brothers with nothing better to do than not work,drink & argue over a TV program decide this is serious business,the one brother shoots the other brother,over a f'n TV program/show.
Somebody call the Hospital & see which program was more important?
Probably fighting over Heraldo & Oprah?

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