Discrimination or Christian-phobia



Do I detect a little Christian-phobia, you guys seem tolerate just about everything here, but watch out for a Christian perspective...

I don't expect this be here long either, but it seems Forthewall?s post pass?s the lit ness test of tolerance ?eh?

take the blinders off Nuf said
Most of this country and most of my best freinds are christians, no problems with it. where the problem comes is when people start telling others how to live based on their religious beliefs or views.

Ever see the church lady do the superior dance? that's what I see when someone tells me or anyone else how to live based on religion. you're entitled to your opinion but your religion adds no validity to it what so ever, don't take offense that's just the way it is.
You could at least be honest here. You have a serious problem with christianity. Don't say you don't. Look at all of your responses to ANYONES comment having to do with a christian viewpoint. You say don't put our beliefs on you.......ummmmm....what do you think your doing with your posts and opinions?!
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
I'll try to stay on track here, this is a response to the post of the sandler movie & why it got nuked...

I don't expect you to understand my views, that's like you trying to convince PETA hunting is good...

also this about freedom of speach, if you could have read the post no one attacked anyone at least i didn't ?

I don't push my views on anyone, I just have the right to say what I feel just the same way you or Bessy does here on MM.com...
A wise man once told me ? ?don't argue religion or politics? man where did we all go wrong?

Manny do you really think I get preferential treatment here. I could have this post nuked by simply typing in 4 letters, you know it and I know it. Instead you're going to try and pass it off as Christian bashing. Now you are claiming to be the self-appointed spokesperson for all of Christianity, I must have missed that memo.

This goes even deeper Manny, when you first came on this site and subsequently lost your long-time hunting partner who was there literally day after day, week after week, month after month to help you with the grieving process? Who always paid respect to you and your family's well-being? Ya Manny you know who it was don't you. That would be FTW, along with Predator, Bura, PW, Coach, Kingfish, Greyghost etc. all the original old timers. Even when I could only visit from time to time, I always made it a point to ask how you and the family were doing.

Since I have returned you seem to relish in the fact that you are the eternal victim that loves nothing more than to quote dime-store scripture at every turn. After the story about your grand-daughter it would appear that perhaps you should focus a little inwards, instead of standing in judgement over all of us lost souls.

You either fly-off the handle about things that don't exist like boycotting Target, or complain about your own self-created misfortunes like the smoking car and going after the mechanic from a year ago. I can't remember but you had a recent post, that went from dumb to dumber, even D13r told you "your just making it worse".

It's not your self-proclaimed christian perspectives, it's that your posts are weak and pathetic. Every preview for "The Gay Indoctrination Movie" explains the parody clearly, but you go and see it then complain as if surprised it's about 2 guys faking a gay lifestyle. Then you go on to basically say nobody should see it and if they do they are promoting a homosexual agenda. You post as if homosexuality is a newly created fad or a choice between Coke or Pepsi. Grow-up Manny and take some responsibilty for yourself instead of deflecting your own short-comings.

And NO Manny I'm not going to quote the Tora or the Book of Mormon, ya know why? Because your spirituality is between you and your god and is absolutely none of my business or concern.

If you think I take a seconds worth of joy in this thread my old friend you are so painfully mistaken.
I think you reflect the attitude/thoughts
and strongly held commitments of probably 90%
of the fine, fine folk on this site.

The problem is we have a few folk on here, that
have nothing to do all day but set in their basement
in their underwear, in pool of their own urine, and
spout crap off to the rest of us that set an alarm, get
out of bed, and actually have to go to work every day and
make a living for our familys.

These people will always be on here. Heck, they don't have
anything else to do. If you good folk would just IGNORE them,
and never ever respond to their silly post's, then maybe
they'd go away.

I'm the worlds worst at letting them bait me, so I can't
really preach.

Turn the POS'ts out with the dry cows, and let them fade away.

It's all about respect guys. Some of you never learned it. I can't think of anybody on this site I don't respect. 202 you and I diagree on most things as much as possible. We had a thread where we argued forever when it was over we agreed to disagree. You wrote that. I still respect your views I just think their wrong. The same thing goes with religious issue disagree that's what makes up America but show the guy or gal you're disagreeing with a little respect. In person people are usually a lot better than they sound on keyboards.
Forthewall; I'm impressed that you took so much time to respond to my Q's here...

Your awfully touchy though, your wording makes me think your an attorney or ?....

I don't believe I attacked you in any way, that's what's weird around here how easily people can mis-understand the main Q and then rattle on about how they are offended...?
>It's all about respect guys.
>Some of you never learned
>it. I can't think
>of anybody on this site
>I don't respect. 202
>you and I diagree on
>most things as much as
>possible. We had a
>thread where we argued forever
>when it was over we
>agreed to disagree. You wrote
>that. I still respect your
>views I just think their
>wrong. The same thing
>goes with religious issue disagree
>that's what makes up America
>but show the guy or
>gal you're disagreeing with a
>little respect. In person people
>are usually a lot better
>than they sound on keyboards.

thanks, you see clearly
lve2143 that was friggin hilarious.
Cornhusk thanks.

I am a Protestant. Confirmed when I was 16 years old and I hold my beliefs strongly. However I seldom if ever when having a good debate on this forum throw my religeous views into the mix. I feel once you do that it throws the debate into a whole other demension of rehtoric by your oponent. Common scence and good old fashioned American morals will win every time.

Now I know with every fiber of my being that I am right in every debate on this forum just as Hdude does Tfinal, Cornhusk and the rest (even though y'all are highly misguided..........just kidding................kinda)

What happens when you throw religion into the mix it gives your detractors an excuse to stop the debate and attack your deeply held beliefs then soon the whole debate goes straight into the crapper.
With that said here is a quote we can all use from time to time especially me..............

"Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance."
Anthony J. D'Angelo
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-07 AT 07:31AM (MST)[p]Hum, I guess I'm so out of the loop I missed the entire basis for the concern. I don't recall seeing any anti-Christian on this site. In fact, I think I've seen just the opposite in the form of tolerance.

I'm not saying it does not happen, but if it does, please, next time send me a PM and point it out so that I can better understand where youre feeling persecuted.

As per the persecution, I dont think it's okay to hammer someone based on their religious beliefs, Christian or otherwise, but what I have noticed is a lot support for only Christian believers, for those that are not believers or followers or what have you, there is not much support.

Anyhow, I really dont care what you believe, or any other man or woman on this site believes so long as they keep their religious beliefs to themselves, there's no problem - and I'm not suggesting you or anyone shut up or dont have the right to free speech, but if youre willing to espouse your religious views, you have to be prepared for the consequences, good or bad. In truth, if you look around the world, historical battles have largely been over religion, and the christians seem to always be right in the mix of things - not saying they cause fights, just saying they are nearly always involved. . .

Again, next time you see Christian bashing or you're feeling persecuted, let me know, I'd like to know better where you're coming from.

Oh, and while youre at it, try being an American Indian on this site. . . .


Lastly, why dont you clean up your own act before you start playing the christian victom, lots of your worlds on this site have been less than supportive and even down right un-christian. . . .

manny15 (3413 posts)
Jun-21-04, 09:32 AM (MST) "I can't believe it!..."
I can't believe it, you...(Yakima) Washington guys are stuck up aren't you..?.., I only asked a simple question about the barbless hook deal and you go silent, well piss on it, oh if you drive along your famous honey hole and you see a calif. license plate and a guy holden a 24" rainbow just keep driving.....
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Carry on Manny, I'll support your right to speak out about whatever you want, just dont lay your beliefs at my door step and expect me change my own beliefs. . .

Take care, and good luck, it sounds like God has not yet healed the your wounds. . . Love thy neighbor Manny. . . .
TFinalshot' i guess you would expect me to apologise for being human?

every body has a chip on their shoulder now & then...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-07 AT 03:15PM (MST)[p]>Manny, dont forget, youre still a
>sinner. . .

saved by Grace...

websters dictionary: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification

websters: sanctification, the state of growing in divine grace as a result of Christian commitment after baptism or conversion
Gee Irv, I almost get the feeling I'm one of the 10% of not fine folks you say are on here. man that really hurts. someday if I ever get a job I want to wear a paper hat and listen for the dinger just like you, ding fries are done right? I'm doing online training for Burger King from my basement as we speak. maybe we can work together and become freinds, boy that would be great.
Hey Manny, you care to dig your teeth in to post 12, I think since your pointing out how horrible people are to christins, we all deserve to here your reply.

How about posting for us at least 5 examples of where christians have been discriminated against.

Oh, while your at it, why dont you show us any other discrimintation and well see who's getting whacked more, you, or the Indians. . .

Step up to the plate Manny. . .
I'm not sure what your asking of me to say, except unlike many Christian, I live and Breath God, not religion! he's in my every thought and reasoning, every time I say something stupid I get reprimanded, Especially when all I can think about is big muleys...

History is full of screw ups on behalf of Christians; I can only answer for me @ this present time...Hitler probably thought he was a good Christian...LOL

God has always concerned himself in our world, our life and our country so I don't believe in separation of church and state but with all the single minded people in this country today we have no choice, man is crying out more and more everyday for God to leave them and their politics alone...

Discrimination, I've been dealing with it for 30 years man, you ever have someone dislike you purely on the grounds that you're a Christian let alone a pastor.

I mentioned once already back in the 80's when I was @ a Christian convention and when walking out to the Gays gathered and throwing zip locks full of fecal and home made tear-gas, all because the speaker was a Texan who spoke out and said homosexuality was a sin...

Have I experienced it here on MM.com, I believe so just can't prove it, except for the last post that got nuked...

well it lloks to be a bright sunny day so I gotta get about clearing my record so I can get my new rifle home....

I admire your courage and conviction to stand your ground. We know that satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy anything to do with Christianity. And he will use any means at his disposal to accomplish his evil plans. He has succeded in closing the minds of several posters here. No matter what is said or or however much logic or truth is shared, those minds remain closed. I even used to be one of them, so I know that nothing is impossible with God.

Keep on fighting the good fight, and I and many other MMer's will be standing beside you. I know I shouldn't let their comments get under my skin. But the human side of me sometimes wants to trade insult for insult. I know that never accomplishes anything.

5 examples:

1. In April 1998, Rev. Patrick Mahoney was arrested for praying on the steps of the Supreme Court.

2. Tourists visiting Washington D.C. in 1997 were ordered by the police to stop praying in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol.

3. In 2003, the National Park Service removed 30 year-old plaques inscribed with Bible verses at Grand Canyon following complaints from the American Civil Liberties Union. (Agape Press)

4. Confessed child rapist James Arnett's sentence was overturned by an Ohio appeals court. The reason: the judge in his case quoted from Matthew 18:5-6 during sentencing.

5. A Christian employee of Hewlet Packard was fired for posting Bible verses condemning homosexual behavior on his desk in response to posters displayed during a company campaign to promote a diverse work force. (WorldNetDaily)

The list is endless, shall I go on?
>I admire your courage and conviction
>to stand your ground.
>We know that satan is
>out to steal, kill, and
>destroy anything to do with
>Christianity. And he will
>use any means at his
>disposal to accomplish his evil
>plans. He has succeded
>in closing the minds of
>several posters here. No
>matter what is said or
>or however much logic or
>truth is shared, those minds
>remain closed. I even
>used to be one of
>them, so I know that
>nothing is impossible with God.
>Keep on fighting the good fight,
>and I and many other
>MMer's will be standing beside
>you. I know I
>shouldn't let their comments get
>under my skin. But
>the human side of me
>sometimes wants to trade insult
>for insult. I know
>that never accomplishes anything.
>5 examples:
>1. In April 1998, Rev. Patrick
>Mahoney was arrested for praying
>on the steps of the
>Supreme Court.
>2. Tourists visiting Washington D.C. in
>1997 were ordered by the
>police to stop praying in
>the rotunda of the U.S.
>3. In 2003, the National Park
>Service removed 30 year-old plaques
>inscribed with Bible verses at
>Grand Canyon following complaints from
>the American Civil Liberties Union.
>(Agape Press)
>4. Confessed child rapist James Arnett's
>sentence was overturned by an
>Ohio appeals court. The reason:
>the judge in his case
>quoted from Matthew 18:5-6 during
>5. A Christian employee of Hewlet
>Packard was fired for posting
>Bible verses condemning homosexual behavior
>on his desk in response
>to posters displayed during a
>company campaign to promote a
>diverse work force. (WorldNetDaily)
>The list is endless, shall I
>go on?

kool & thanks, after all said and done I'm still a died in the wool big buck hunter!
Please don't interpret this wrong, but in my short career on this planet I have found that those that protest too much are the most insecure. A belief in god is private and should be cherished not debated. Religion is just a vehicle to profess your belief.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-07 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]>Please don't interpret this wrong, but
>in my short career on
>this planet I have found
>that those that protest too
>much are the most insecure.
>A belief in god is
>private and should be cherished
>not debated. Religion is just
>a vehicle to profess your

well I'm not sure what you mean, and I don't wanna over do it here, but the bible tells us to set our light on the mountain for all to see...

and not be ashamed of it...

webster: Religion; a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith ? re?li?gion?less adjective.

which means to me that one can worship the creator or the creation, which many are doing today....

If the shoe fits, put it over your ugly
head, grab it with you deck-beater's and
pull down briskly.

I think you'll like the results.

Then set back down in your pool of urine,
and continue posting.

BurgerKing wouldn't have your AZZ.

Manny, Oh poop! Here I go ? What is the basis of all evil on this planet? It's not the great Satan ? it is the belief that my god is the only true god. Look at what the Muslim?s are doing right now. They are willing to blow themselves up and take everyone with them just to prove they are right. Do you doubt they believe in what they are doing? Jew?s were willing to hang Jesus Christ on a cross because they couldn't deal with his message. The Crusades were meant to eliminate anyone that didn't believe in Christ. Hitler, Stalin, Mao attempted to kill anyone that believed in god. ?Faith is the root of all evil? interpret that statement as you will. I think it was Carl Sagan that said ?Faith is believing in what you know not to be true?

As for me???? It's none of your business! <smile>

LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-07 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]Rus, your right poop, I disagree with yah, proof is in the pudding...

As concerning the Muslims you'd have to go back to father Abraham, (old testimate) because his wife couldn't wait for her own son that God promised she gave Abram her Egyptian slave to have a son named Ishmael, which is where the Muslims descended from, their belief system is unscriptural and murderous?that makes them a cult in my book.

Later Isaac came and that was the promised one from God, he's where the rest of us come from, Isaac was the one meant to inherit the promise? I'll let you fill in the blanks..

What disturbs me most is this, when Jesus left this earth he didn't say ?now go and make many denominations" like, presperterian, Protestants, full gospel, Baptist, Penacostal catholic?ect:

The word Christian means one thing, Christ follower, I'm sure were gonna find that when this world is all over, that we were all wrong some where, but not all religions lead to God no matter how sincere they are??.
"proof is in the pudding"...

1st time I ever heard the bible called pudding. But there you go again with that "faith" thing.

I'm really sorry about being such a smart axx, I know this is important and not to be taken lightly.

logging off!

>"proof is in the pudding"...
>1st time I ever heard the
>bible called pudding. But there
>you go again with that
>"faith" thing.
>I'm really sorry about being such
>a smart axx, I know
>this is important and not
>to be taken lightly.
>logging off!

LOL..see yah later
Irv you're a class act. I could resort to your low IQ grade school attemts to sound tough but my grand father always told me not to pick on tards. remember now the fry oil is hot and skin grafts hurt, but you've already been there no doubt, sorry.

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