Disabled Profiles...

  • Thread starter coolspringoutfitters
  • Start date


Have you ever noticed that all of the pot stirrers on this site have their profiles disabled??? What's up with that? I guess its easy to sit behind a keyboard, talking trash, with no one knowing who you are... That's just WEAK ! ! !
I think it should be mandatory for EVERYONE to have their profile active before they can post a thing... It might cut down on the rif-raff on here talking trash and causing fights...
Come on guys, if you're gonna talk trash, at least have the deficiency to give us your (correct) profile. Quit being such Pansy's ! ! !


It's all about the good times...
CSO, I talk a little trash on occasions, stir the pot a bit, and have been known to get bent outa shape enough to accept offers to get with it. My profile is fully enabled and i wouldn't have it any other way. I want people to know who i am and if they care, where i live.

I took on all comers in my day. I don't go looking, never did, but i sure as heck ain't ever gonna be one to run or hide. I'm getting to be an old man, at least in body, but i want people to know how to find me if they feel like i need a attitude adjustment and are willing to come to me. I might just have a few good rounds left in me, i'm certainly not to be underestimated, but, i'd rather we just agree to disagree and leave it at that! :)

+1 CSO! I've always thought it a little chickenshite to throw out accusations and trash others with a hidden profile. Hell, I'm a puss and I still back my sometimes-stupid comments with my name. :D

It's always an adventure!!!
I agree with you CSO but there is always going to be people that hide behind their computer and trash talk people. They are the same types that tough talk people and hide behind their phone because they don't have the balls to talk to people that way face to face.
Let us know what trash talking you are referring to.

With all the nut-cases out there I find it a good idea to disable profiles. You never know what people are capable of. With all the social websites it's not hard to find your way to someones doorstep. If you guys have a problem with that then meet me out back of McDonalds at 10:00 TONIGHT!!! :)

Nothing wrong with it unless you are getting threats from some loser. I wonder how many profiles are enabled with bogus information. I could post D13er's information so how would you even know?
I tend to agree with Zigga on this one. To each his own, but I get enough death threats at work lol. If you really want to know who I am just pm me then we can chat. Some people may have valid reasons to not want there name out there.
Have to agree with Zigga and Rugarm77. Lots of "nuts" out there and just by the statistics it's likely there a few on this site. PM's are available to everyone. And "trash" to some is nothing more than opinions to others. Opinions differ so keep the trash and bash from getting personal.
You want my disabled profile? Here ya go. Most people know who I am anyway. If ya don't, all ya got to do is ask.


Sorry Jeff, the last thing I want is some pissed off nutjob showing up at my house with my wife and kids home.....I have had angry dudes request that I call them...and I have. If I need someone to know who I am, I will tell them.

YELUM, that's too funny! Nice "profile"


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-10 AT 11:40AM (MST)[p]
YELUM, great response and awesome profile. :)

Rug said "If you really want to know who I am just pm me then we can chat."


Andymansavge said "If I need someone to know who I am, I will tell them."


CSO - I'm not hiding behind anything so don't call me a pansy, you pansy. :) Seriously, most of the people who I give a darn about on here know who I am, what I do and where I live. Anyone else that wants to know, it isn't that hard to figure out. If you have a reason to know, just ask. And there are some folks on here I have no desire to know. There also may be good reasons to keep profiles disabled depending on what one does for a living.

Now, THIS is trash...

Oh and so is this.

And one more edit:
I notice that many of the guys who show their true profile have a webpage that they like to post or have in their profile for some product or service they are offering for sale. I guess I just have nothing to offer.
I've been "hanging around" this site for years....I guess I didn't realize there ARE profiles. Did we all fill one out when we started? How do you read one?

The rest of the (at least my) story is that I still haven't figured out how to post pictures....and I've been trying for 4 or 5 years.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Quit posting pictures of my wife!! Dang it, she got so nervous she chugged 2 more Pepsi drinks and a chug of gin.
That was the best response I could have hoped for...

For a sample of the trash that I am talking about, check out this this link http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID12/11801.html and check out some of the responses.
I was a bit disgusted last night when I was reading through it... The thread started as a fun topic, but of course, there are a couple on there that have to "Whip it out and measure" and a couple more that think their way is the only right way... Its retarded.
It seems like it is always the guys that have their profiles disabled that stir it up. I guess they have nothing better to do...
Andyman, you're right about some crazy showing up at your door, quit talking trash and you won't have to worry about it... J/K I know you're a good guy.


It's all about the good times...
Yelum that looks like a pretty capable 4 wheeler you have there. I always said if I was in one of those I would want it powered by a small block chevy.

I only caught the last minute of the show last weekend. Hopefully I'll catch a re-run so I can see the whole thing.
I think if it any more than the two bateries, it would get into serious trouble, or a coffin.


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