Dirty Dog

I don't know what kind of toilet they have but I gotta get one....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

JB, it is called a FERGUSON, didn't you ever watch Al Bundy on Married w/Children???
They have vacuum like no other toilet, first time you think it is going to suck your gonads down with it......LOL

That was one good thing about growing up with a big back yard and a small farm. If our dogs got dirty we just sprayed them off with the hose - and when we were little when the cats got dirty we threw them in the ditch. The cats didn't like that all that much though - and it is a good thing we only got a water turn once a month or so and the water wasn't flowing very fast once it got to our field!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Nice 300th post cheesehead. My 1,000th post mentioned a turd if I remember correctly....and it also mentioned d-cup too. hmmmmm.

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