Dirty Devil Sheep



Would love to talk with any past hunters of this unit or those who may know it well. Feel free to PM
I got lucky. I know the unit fairly well but always good to have as much information and help possible on a sheep tag.
Way to go hunt33!
It's a wonderful area and with work and luck you should be able to turn-up a fine ram.
I hunted it with my married daughter and a friend's son in 2009 and again the following year with another relative so feel free to PM and we'll chat a bit.
We hunted all the "usual" areas so maybe we'll not add much to your current knowledge but it's always fun to chat with a sheep hunter!

It is a much different unit than it was when Zeke's daughter killed that pig. my son also got a nice ram, although not near as big as Jess's. Lots of sheep died, but I am sure there are still a few good rams. deerlove also gave me a few ideas.

I am also up to giving feedback, although Zeke and I were pretty much in the same areas. PM me if you wish.
Best of luck

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