dirty devil sheep tag!!



I have a buddy that drew this buy mistake, he has no clue were to go, any help would be appreciated!
How could anyone draw a sheep tag by mistake? I would triple check the numbers. It should be a great hunt. I wish I knew something about the unit. Post pictures after please. Good luck.
Obviously his mistake was my downfall, because that is the unit I put in for and I have next to top points.
Now the mistake is made, I would take full advantage of it and hire a guide. It is a once in a lifetime hunt and even if you have to take out a loan, it's worth the money to hire a guide for this hunt. Bill Mamalas (sp?)Taxidermist in West Valley killed a great ram there and I think he would be a good place to start.
It bugs me that anyone can get a mistake tag like that when I want it so bad!!!

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