Direct channel


Very Active Member
Channel 605 on Direct TV is now the "Sportsman Channel". It apears to be showing some of the shows that were on the Outdoor channel. American Rifleman is on right now. American Hunter is on the Oudoor Channel. Good deal, another huntin channel.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
We can always use more hunting channels. I like having a variety to choose from. I can sit for hours boincing back and forth between channels 603, 606, 608, and now 605.
Very cool. It looks like they picked up some of the programming from the old Man channel (minus the infomercials every other hour) and they do have some programming from the Outdoor Channel (including Personal Defense TV!!!). It looks like a good lineup. I'm going to need a bigger DVR hard drive.

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