Diet tips?



I'm trying to stay on a super lean diet and am having serious problems.

First off I'm only eating carbs like oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Secondly my protein intake is over 500 grams per day. After 3pm I cut carbs all together and after my evening workout the hunger cravings are getting unbearable. When I'm away from my family I'm fine.

Here's what the problem is. I'm sitting here eating my elk chili with only ground venison. No fat added anywhere and no beans added. It's as healthy and high in protein as it gets. Lets just say it gets a little old eating healthy.

Now picture a 2 year old sitting in front of you with his right hand stuck in a back of sour cream and onion chips and the other arm is wrapped around a 3 foot tall keg of cheeze puffs! He's stuffing his face with both hands and keeps telling me here daddy! "them tastes better dan cheeeeleeee!" Then my 4 yr old daughter comes up to me with a cheese cake and says "daddy why you eat that so much? I like cheese cake, you should try it."

I deal with this crap every day and by the end of the week I'm caving in.

Short of being a bad parent does anyone have any suggestions?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 07:33PM (MST)[p]it's freaking hard dude. i have the same problems. everyone i am with shoves twinkies and chocolate bars down there necks or insists on going to chinese buffets ( my weakness).i think people want me to be fat ,as they insist i eat what they are eating. i have gained over a hundred pounds in 8 months. used to lift weights cardio weighed 210 with very little body fat. i want my old lady to diet and or keep all junk food out of the house. but like you said it is hard eating rice cakes when they are eating cheesecake. i am seriously concidering trying hypnosis. i want to excersize but it is hard as my job usually leaves me with little excersize time even if i had the energy
Remember stinkbug!

Diet is Die with a t!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 07:34PM (MST)[p]Hang in there you Fat F'er


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]
eat at the "Y" more.....0 calories 90 percent of the time..the other 10 percent is after nvb has been in the area...

>Now picture a 2 year old
>sitting in front of you
>with his right hand stuck
>in a back of sour
>cream and onion chips and
>the other arm is wrapped
>around a 3 foot tall
>keg of cheeze puffs! He's
>stuffing his face with both
and keeps telling me
>here daddy! "them tastes better
>dan cheeeeleeee!" Then my 4
>yr old daughter comes up
>to me with a cheese
>cake and says "daddy why
>you eat that so much?
>I like cheese cake, you
>should try it."


>Short of being a bad parent
>does anyone have any suggestions?

That's funny sh!t right there.
>AT 07:45?PM (MST)

>eat at the "Y" more.....0 calories
>90 percent of the time..the
>other 10 percent is after
>nvb has been in the

hahaha.... gross
Drink extra water and whatever you eat make sure it has a lot of bulk fiber in it. Between the both of them it should fill you up pretty good. It is hard to try and loose weight, I know I should be doing it myself. Pants are getting tight around the waist, had to buy a couple new pair yesterday one size bigger. Maybe here next week I can get my college courses lined out to where I can go for a run in the evening for about an hour or so, and get the room that has the bowflex cleaned up so the wife and I can start using it. Kinda hard when I have class 4 days a week and I have to drive nearly an hour each way, on top of the online class I am taking as well. Plus Boy Scouts at least one night a week, with whatever projects they might have to do at home. So I know where you are coming from there being a fellow parent to a little one. Wish you the best of luck.
Gawd. you guys are useless. I was hoping someone figured out how to nicely convice the kids they no longer needed junk food and chicken strips.

get them little terds outa the picture and I would be a greek god! anyone figure out how to convince their toddlers that water and salads are the bomb???!

I try to clean the house of brownies, twinkies, ice cream, cheez its, potatoe chips, roman noodles, braut worth hot dogs, pizza bites................ wait, I'm fantasizing now! god d##n kids!

two weeks and Im only down 5 lbs! bessy come visit and bring your 357, i need you to put me down!
Them meals we ate in Monticello just verly catchin up to you stinkbug?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
your protien intake is 500 grams a day ? what are your workouts consisting of you should look like goldberg not the big round water head i see in your wifes trophy pics.
Did You forget about your cyber trainer again?
First off 500 grams if protein is WAY to much and only converts to extra calories at the end if the day.
At 260 the MOST you should take in is 390.
Now we know how he got his name Stinky. Venison Chili. Holy Farts Batman

Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.
I hear you! It's tough when the wife likes to keep the pantry full of treats for the kiddies and their friends. Try Clementine oranges, apples, bananas...or go for the canned mandarin oranges...they are the bomb.

Wish you well and keep your eye on the prize.

It's called parenting. You don't give it to your kids to eat they don't eat it. Kids eating habits are directly correlated to what their parents allow or give.

Good luck.
Don't bring that chit into the house.

Your kids won't suffer without junk food in their lives. Substitute it with fruit.

You are setting them up for a life of bad dietary decisions.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-11 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]Since you're a self proclaimed logical math genius put it in terms you can deal with:


return (caloriesIn < caloriesOut)
alright slammy. ur dietician is the one who put me at 500 grams of protein per day and 700 grams of carbs and 50 grams of fat. and after 3 months i was around 8.5 percent body fat at 260 lbs! now ur tellin me the guy that u use is wrong? wtf? ur fired!

besides doug mike already approved my elk chili. he wants my calorie intake around 4000 per day and my carbs low will burn lots of fat according to him.
so thats what im doin wrong? damn mexicans convinced me all those eggs were good!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>Now picture a 2 year old
>sitting in front of you
>with his right hand stuck
>in a back of sour
>cream and onion chips and
>the other arm is wrapped
>around a 3 foot tall
>keg of cheeze puffs! He's
>stuffing his face with both
>hands and keeps telling me
>here daddy! "them tastes better
>dan cheeeeleeee!" Then my 4
>yr old daughter comes up
>to me with a cheese
>cake and says "daddy why
>you eat that so much?
>I like cheese cake, you
>should try it."

>Short of being a bad parent
>does anyone have any suggestions?
That's funny sh!t right there.

BINGO!!!! Alp nailed it too!!! ;)

Look in the mirror dude (That's perverbially, not literally.... ;) ). Uh..... Quit buying your kids Cheetos, chips, and cheese cake, and they'll quit eating it! :7 :7


Ok, thats a fight I've had with my wife for years and I finally gave it up in order to keep the peace.
QTPIE is the problem she does the shopping,I'm thinking she like you fat in the winter it like having a extra blanket.
If she quits bringing home the goodies you will get over them pretty quick if they aren't in your face all the time.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
8.5 % body fat? I think you forgot a 2 in front of your 8. Your protein intake is way too high. Seriously way too high. 350 max. Only eat your carbs in the morning. Like oatmeal (season with brown sugar instead of white) Here's an example of a killer diet that seriously works if you can stick to it.

1 cup oatmeal
2 whole eggs, and 3 egg whites

3 hrs later:
chicken breast and 1 cup brown rice or 1/2 if 1 cup is too much
Also you can try peanut butter and jelly, just use sugar free jelly and all natural peanut butter on whole wheat bread.

3 hrs later:
Eat sandwhich on whole wheat. Try and use lowfat cheese, lowfat mayo. A 6 inch at subway would work just fine

3 hrs later:
Eat chicken breast with brown rice again. Unless you are working out, then eat white rice. This will give you glycogen to replace once you burn it out of your muscles. Also it's good to have a simple carb after workout too, like a piece of white bread or white rice.

Eat a big hamburger patty (lean) with as many fibrous veggies as you want. Asparagus, broccolli ect.... The red meat will give you a slow digestive protien that will keep your metabolism burning all night. You can also have like a cup of fat free cottage cheese at bed time because this is also very slow burning, and will keep your metabolism going through the night. ANy other specifics, feel free to PM me.
Hope this helps.
"Ok, thats a fight I've had with my wife for years and I finally gave it up in order to keep the peace. "

lol Amen!! ;)


Very good diet plan and similar to what I write up for my clients.
Now dump all the breads you have in there and you'll be even tighter.
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants"
Michael Pollan

It doesn't get any more simple than that.

Traditional >>>------->
Slam and Bayside - what is your guys opinion on eating before (or close to) bedtime?

I have heard it is a no no and I have heard it is no different than any other time of the day. Even had a guy (that seemed like he knew what he was talking about) tell me...if he woke up in the middle of the night he would have a snack.

WHOOOAAAA! Slammy, I've done similar diets and my muscle mass goes to nil. Last time your dietician calculated my lean body mass it was at 248 lbs.

I did body for life once 10 years ago and have watched several people do the p-90x diet and the insanity diets/workout. I went from 220lbs to 188lbs at 6'4" in 3 months. I looked like crap. You follow that diet and your on a path to muscle atrophy! Dude you gotta be kidding. Thats insane! I agree its fine for normal people just wanting to lean out but its definitely not for everyone.

No worries though. I called mike and hired him back tonight. Now explain to me his 6000 calorie diet requirements?

But back on subject...... I'm pretty confident with my diet and know its results. My question was just asking how to battle those late evening munchies with the kids and all......... One can of worms at a time lol.
Alright boys....1st of all....I have good stuff and bad stuff, jut ask stinky, I have a hard time getting our youngest to eat anything but grapes.....if I sat around and ate bad stuff all day I would weigh 300 lbs myself.....I hate diets cuz I don't like being a witch all the if I eat something bad...I just eat a bite for two I watch what I eat 99% of the time and just do portion control....stinky is just hyper critical and a bit excentric....he's just whining about the kids getting to eat whatevr they want....its just not fair. I believe in letting a kid be a kid...there will be plenty of time for them to worry aout their diet when they are older and give a crap.

Ram, eating at bedtime, is really not good, but if you eat the right things, it can be ok. Casien protein is very slow digestive, and can keep your metabolism moving while you sleep if you eat it at night. Keep in mind though that there is such thing as too much. That's why I recommended lean hamburger, or even elk burger which is leaner. Also fat free cottage cheese. I know body builders who will eat an entire tray or 2 of sugar free, fat free jello if they get hungry at night. This really is nothing but substance and might keep you from getting hungry. If you don't want to get too extreme, just stay away from heavy carb meals within 3 hours of bedtime.

Talking about your 6000 calorie diet, unless you are 250 lbs of muscle, and lift heavy weights 90 minutes a day, and the rest of your day is pretty busy, It's not for everyone. Bodybuilders eat calories like this, but it consists of good fats, lean proteins, and good carbs.
The diets I write are designed for building muscle and burning fat simultaneously. Its very simple math. You Just take your LBM weight and times it by 16. That number is the amount of calories You need to maintain Your current lean body mass. To burn fat, cut that number by about 400 "bad calories" and that will turn your body into a fat incinerator. As far as just a basic bulk up yet stay healthy what Your doing with Mike is great. Your always complaining about bodyfat, well if you want a diet that will turn up your temp then I'll write you one that will still be high calories and at least six meals a day, seven If you can do it ;-)
Dang, well that if i wanna lose weight i can only eat 1000 calories a day...but i have been told anything less then 1200 is considered anorexia?????

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-11 AT 10:21PM (MST)[p]Terra.....text me your current weight and what you think Your bodydat is and ill figure your calories out. I have Denise on 1630 calories and she has put on some serious muscle and losing fat like crazy!
I have the same question. I'm 6'4" 244 lbs, with 21% body fat. I'm 36, and I workout 5 days a week doing CrossFit, and I've started spinning 2 times a week in the evenings trying to get rid of the body fat. I eat pretty healthy, protein, creatine shake in the morning after my workout, banana, cheese stick sometimes peanut butter on toast. Usually a subway for lunch. Dinner at home, and maybe a couple snacks here and there, usually oranges, apple, grapefruit etc......Been fighting the fat suit for awhile now and just can't figure out how to get ripped up. I don't want to be any bigger, I'd actually like to lose 20 lbs of fat and weigh about 225 if it's possible.
How much body fat is in a can of Bud Light?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Eat your grapefruit in the morning, cut out your oranges, and eat 5-6 times a day. Your toast and peanut butter, make sure it's all natural peanut butter and your wheat toast. Make sure it's made from whole wheat flour. You could lose the cheese stick, unless it's low fat. Try and stick to good carbs and lean proteins. You'll get your good fats from the peanut butter, fish, chicken, ect.
Alright slammy, my lean body weight is 238lbs (i said 248 above and hit the wrong key). Last winter I was at 262, terra measured me at 7 percent body fat and I measured it at almost 9 using mikes method. So at lets say 240 lbs n 0% bf that means 240 times 16 is 3840 calories. So I guess your right. Mike had me eating 6000 healthy calories a day and I went from 14% fat to 14% fat in 2 months.. but I put on 5 lbs of muscle so I guess your right. I didn't start loosing like crazy till he carb depleted me.

Since your mr. trainer dude due me a favor. I want my biceps to increase 1". How do I do that. They haven't grown in over a year.

Answer that punk!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]A biceps measurement is actually the circumference of your entire arm which includes the triceps. A better and bigger looking arm will have bigger triceps than biceps.
Tell me your usual biceps routine and I'll change it for you. If your used to training them with back, change up for a while and train them independently and go heavier.
"I believe in letting a kid be a kid...there will be plenty of time for them to worry about their diet when they are older and give a crap."

So you mean, when they have developed diabetes, are over weight and on meds to try and control what you could have prevented as their parent when they were young enough to teach them how to make healthy choices?
That's about as American as it gets!

Traditional >>>------->
Stinky, it's obvious that nobody here likes you. What a bunch of horrible advice. Excersize this much, eat this crappy food..... Whatever.

Here is all you need to know fatty.


LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]"I have a hard time getting our youngest to eat anything but grapes....."

My pediatrition once gave my wife and I some words of wisdom regarding picky eaters. Something like; 'A kid never starved with with food in front of him....'. If he only wants to eat grapes, then quit buying grapes. He absolutely WILL eat what's in front of him eventually! ;)

That being said, I have three kids (16,13,12), and there is absolutely NO single 'right' way to raise them. I agree that letting kids be kids is good. They'll get their fair share of stress & grief when they're adults! Lots of love is the most important thing! :)

Good luck on the weight loss thing Stinky!



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