Diesel Supplement



Does anyone know if there is a supplement to put in my truck? I read on a forum where you can use cooking oil for fuel. My uncle is the manager of a Dennys and gets me all the oil i want. My truck had to be towed when it broke down today. The dealership told me the fuel filters were plugged and they found a lot of excess debris in the tank. I thought they were trying to rip me off so I went to take a look. They emptied out fuel lines and it looked like a lot of bits of french fries and things. I was told when using recycled cooking oil filtering with paper towels before pouring in tank was enough. I can only think of one time the paper towel ripped and might of allowed unfiltered used cooking oil in the tank. Is there a additive designed to dissolve this stuff in the future?
Yes there is,
Won't be long & you can mix some Catalyst in there with them french fries
is there more than 1 aya??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Dude....are you serious? "i was told when recycling used cooking oil filtering with paper towels was enough"....you not serious are you? Not to sound disrespectful..but how far back in the woods do these people that gave you that advice live?

I may be wrong here...but doesn't your "french fry diesel" need to have a little bit of processing before you pour it thru the paper towel?
Well I was told as long as you follow the metric thirds rule you would not need anything more than a quick cleaning. I'm pissed!! My fuel pump is gone and i don't have money to replace it right now.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]dude, go ahead and get a couple of injector pumps too. one for under the seat and the other for the shelf. you will need them, trust me, watched my old man go down this road and that was with processed biodiesel. can only imagine running it straight would really f%#$ things up!
>If this isn't a joke it's
>one of the dumbest things
>I've ever heard.

Even if this is a Joke it is one of the Dumbest things I have seen today.
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. GEEZUS I just peed a little i was laughing so hard
When I see posts like this it makes me nervous. How many used diesels are out there that people have done things like this and then selling them!
I think the salt and vinegar in Ketchup is a catalyst? If you dump an Economy size bottle in there I think it should clear it right up!! Oh dont forget a little dab of pepper! hell if you believe everything you read on the net, try out my idea too?!!! LMAO
This whole thread is the most stupid, insidious and gratuitous use of bandwidth and time that I have ever seen. The whole human race just got stupider all becuase you posted this Aya. And you guys call StinkyStomper an idiot...

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