
Diesel inching toward $5 a gallon
May 20, 2008

The price of diesel is continuing to skyrocket and is likely to remain at record highs through Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, according to AAA.

The cost of diesel was $1.67 more Monday than the same time last year in Santa Rosa, setting a new record average at $4.78, with some stations posting $4.89 a gallon for diesel.

The statewide average also set a record Monday at $4.812.

Michael Geeser, a spokesman for AAA of Northern California, said the climbing prices can be blamed on age-old issues of supply and demand and the rising cost of crude oil ? which hit $127 a barrel Monday.

It was only $70 a barrel the same time last year, he said.

Increasing demand for diesel in countries like China and occasional mishaps in crude oil-producing countries like Nigeria only affect prices in ?a very roundabout way,? Geeser said.

?The rule is that for every dollar the cost of a barrel of crude oil goes up, it translates to 2.5 cents more at the pump,? he said. ?That's being attributed to the large number of speculators investing in crude oil.?

Crude oil is purchased in dollars, so the upward trend is likely to continue until the dollar stabilizes, Geeser said.
I live in N. Cal. on the Oregon border and diesel is $4.89 a gallon it was $4.75 two days ago.

This isn't funny anymore, not that it ever was. The bottom line is, the cost is so high because THEY CAN...................

..........or until somebody with some balls decides to blockade everything that is imported or exported by any OPEC affiliated nations.

We should have kept Kuwait in '91.

We have an army in Iraq.....we should be bringing home every drop of oil the turdpile country has.....as it stands right now, we are trading American blood for absolutely nothing.

This situation is going to get completely out of hand and our politicians .......who are insanely overpaid, don't care at all what you and I have to pay for fuel or a loaf of bread.
LAST EDITED ON May-20-08 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]"Michael Geeser, a spokesman for AAA of Northern California, said the climbing prices can be blamed on age-old issues of supply and demand and the rising cost of crude oil ? which hit $127 a barrel Monday."

The minute Air-force-One touched the sand last week prices shot up $7 a barrel!

Lets get this straight, GWB becomes president, fuel prices of ALL types skyrocket during his administration, which is fact, tell us how come supply and demand are the root of our fuel prices increases, but it just now started working with Bush as president, is he now the "supply and demand" president, moreover, if it is supply and demand, what's caused the demand to increase so rapidly while at the time the supply has fallen short - anything to do with world markets?

Does the shortage of supply mean that exponential growth theory really is true in that you dont really see a shortage until the last doubling of demand and after that things go to heck real quick?

I know, you guys will say, its a shortage of refining capacity, I'll say, okay, so lest have the oil companies use their all time world record profits to build a new one or two - and the whole environmental regs wont let use cry is total BS, TOTAL BS.

Anyhow, you winers should just save it and the next time you want to slap ding-dong on the back for starting a war in Iraq just think about how much your now paying for fuel. . . and milk, and eggs, and butter, and corn, and meat, and bread, and so on. . . .
I'll bet those all are really driven buy supply and demand to arnt they, that's why their prices are going up because SOOOOO many more people are eating bread, and drinking milk since dumb-dumb became pres, that prices are sure to double right?
>AT 12:23?PM (MST)

>Lets get this straight, GWB becomes
>president, fuel prices of ALL
>types skyrocket during his administration,
>which is fact, tell us
>how come supply and demand
>are the root of our
>fuel prices increases, but it
>just now started working with
>Bush as president, is he
>now the "supply and demand"
>president, moreover, if it is
>supply and demand, what's caused
>the demand to increase so
>rapidly while at the time
>the supply has fallen short
>- anything to do with
>world markets?



>I know, you guys will say,
>its a shortage of refining
>capacity, I'll say, okay, so
>lest have the oil companies
>use their all time world
>record profits to build a
>new one or two -
>and the whole environmental regs
>wont let use cry is
>total BS, TOTAL BS.

Uhhh, it's the supply of crude, not refined product...



>Anyhow, you winers should just save
>it and the next time
>you want to slap ding-dong
>on the back for starting
>a war in Iraq just
>think about how much your
>now paying for fuel. .
>. and milk, and eggs,
>and butter, and corn, and
>meat, and bread, and so
>on. . . .
> I'll bet those all are
>really driven buy supply and
>demand to arnt they, that's
>why their prices are going
>up because SOOOOO many more
>people are eating bread, and
>drinking milk since dumb-dumb became
>pres, that prices are sure
>to double right?

Uuuuh...What ? The cost of goods is in direct relation to cost of growing/transporting them to market... The demand for them might not have increased, but the cost of them has due to the rise in fuel price...

I'm not sure where you were going with the Blame Bush diatribe but I think the standard economic formula applies. Oil is available on the World Market, China has increased it's demand. With supply static, demand rising, cost goes up...Why is the supply static ? It's controlled by the oil producers...
Last Thursday, with oil at $124 a barrel, the Senate Appropriations committee voted to block environmentally sound development of oil shale in Colorado.

According to the Investors Business Daily there are an estimated 1 trillion barrels of oil trapped in shale in the U.S. and Canada. Retrieving just a tenth of it would quadruple our current oil reserves.

But Congress, as they're prone to do- said no. And we will pay the price. Colorado Senator Wayne Allard (R) put it best when he said: "If we are really serious about reducing pain at the pump, this is a vote that would make a difference in people's lives."

Quit blaming the oil companies for "gouging" us. Start blaming your US Represenatives and US Sentators. Blame Bush all you want, but the president neither makes laws nor levys taxes.
It's easy (some would say lazy) to blame it on Dumb-Dumb-in-Chief. It requires no thinking whatsoever.

Truth is, if the market were flooded with crude tomorrow the price would drop like a rock! And why won't the market be flooded with crude? Because liberals in congress wont let us drill in ANWR or the Gulf or anywhere else because their enviro radicals buddies would pitch a hissy fit.

Remember when crude was $10 a barrel and gas was around a buck? Liberals complained then that we were paying to little for gas! Europe was paying $3 a litre and so should we.

Here's to hoping someone in Washington wises up and lets us develop our own oil supplies so the price will come down and those idiots in the middle east won't have us by the gonads anymore!

Such a simple solution! Probably never happen.
I buy about 12 to 13000 gallons of diesel per month for my company in Northern Califoria. To say the least.....it makes it very hard to make a profit.
>I buy about 12 to 13000
>gallons of diesel per month
>for my company in Northern
>Califoria. To say the
>least.....it makes it very hard
>to make a profit.

My brother runs 20 semi's cross country, it is costing him about $1.000.00 to fill a truck with diesel about $2.500.00 in fuel from east coast to west coast and drivers are needing twice as much advance money to eat and just get through the week with. The only thing he can do is get the fuel surcharge and pass the rest on to the consumer...or park them all.
Is it any coincidence that a lot of vehicle makers are looking toward diesel fuel as a cleaner burning alternate to gasoline? Makes sense the oil companies are going to jack up their prices! Just plain wrong.

It also sounds like the newer diesel pickups are less fuel effecient than those that were made just a few years ago. Hmmm....cleaner burning but use more fuel in the outcome...what is gained out of that?

I wanted to switch to a diesel pickup but since this has happened I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole!

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