diesel fuel


Long Time Member
What do you guys do during the winter to prevent gelling? I run #2 and run fuel treatment and have never had a problem. I've been told I need to run #1 and treat it. I've also been told its hard on stuff to switch back and forth from 1 to 2. Along with the added price of 1 and treating it seems much more expensive, do I need to do 1 and treat? I've never had a problem in the past but don't want to have any. What do you suggest?

Local stations sell a 50/50 blend of #1 and #2. Some stations put an anti-gel additive as their cold weather grade instead of blending. I run both and have yet to have an issue, knock on wood, but I still add my own anti-gel to each tank fill. I also make certain to have a fresh water separater/fule filter each winter. I also will not fill a tank from like a Loaf-n-Jug or any other second rate discount station.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-11 AT 07:15PM (MST)[p]The New Obama Approved (Low Sulphur) doesn't Gel up as easy as the 'Good' old Fuel!

Depending on how damn cold it's gonna get justr?

We'll be OK with number 2 right now with additives!

But if it goes down to -30 to -40 my work truck will be getting a tank of number 1!!!

I hate running #1!

It does not lubricate like the engine needs!

But it beats Gelling up!

I'll bet # 1 is 4.50 a gallon?

I use alot of the Power Service additive & I've had good luck with it!

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I use the power service too. I treat it for 25 gallons every time I fill up too, usually taking around 15-17 gallons. My truck sits quite a bit too though. I don't want to deal with a gelled truck!

Ya I hear ya justr!

They are a pain in the ass to un-gel!

Plastic Fuel tanks won't take much heat!

You bout gotta put them in a heated Garage!

It's gonna warm up justr,about March we won't need to worry about it!:D

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March? Can we hold ya to that? Friggen cold here! Had darn near -20 last nite and bouncing near 0 now... got my truck plugged in but last I looked I think I saw her tail pipe shiver.
-19 here last night and warmed up to 2 above for the high today!!!

God is Great!
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And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
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And Hell yes I love my Truck!
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Its friggin cold here in Enterprise too, but not that cold!!! I'm not looking forward to coming home tomorrow...

Bring some warmth with you justr!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
The weather in vegas was NICE, I was running around in a T-shirt!

I got a funny look dumping fuel treatment in my truck in vegas though.. LOL!


God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!

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