Did he do it?



LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-09 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]Just wondering about the gal who disappeared there in Utah, the hubby sound unbelievable.... what think you?

hope she just left the dude....
He has the kids. I know it happens but not many women would leave without their kids. I think he is responsible. Who takes a 4 year old and a 1 year old camping in December?

This story has the same exact feel of the Mark Hacking story a few years ago.
He finally confessed and told them to look at the city garbage dump for her body.

I think he is trying so hard not to be suspicious that he is way too suspicious.
I hope i'm wrong.

Ok I have no idea.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Supposedly there was a wet spot on the carpet that was being dried by two fans when the Police first showed up.....Vegas would give 3:1 odds that he gets charged.

Then he takes his kids on a "spur of the moment" camping trip at midnight and forgets what day it is, and doesn't go to work. His stories aren't making sense. Who the heck gets up at midnight sunday night/monday morning in december and decides "Wow what a great night to take my kids camping" forgetting what day it is, and that he has work in the morning. And if she was still home and alive would say. "Honey, what in the heck do you think your doing, Its FN freezing out there and you have to work in the morning." Does he really think we will believe that story? HE IS GUILTY!!!!
Yeh the whole midnight camping gig with that young a kids and the fan running while he is gone......

I feel sorry for the kids------ no mom and dad going to prison.

yes the bastard did it.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Heres a dose of reality. Her body probably wont be found until next sept.-oct. during hunting season. Her body is probably lying in a ditch or ravine somewhere from his "camping trip". The ground would be too frozen to bury her. He needs to do everyone a favor and confess what he did, and where shes at, so the families can have some closure. Its sad the kids will be without their parents, but if he is as big of an A$$ as he appears, maybe its good that they wont be with him.
>Heres a dose of reality. Her
>body probably wont be found
>until next sept.-oct. during hunting
>season. Her body is probably
>lying in a ditch or
>ravine somewhere from his "camping
>trip". The ground would be
>too frozen to bury her.
>He needs to do everyone
>a favor and confess what
>he did, and where shes
>at, so the families can
>have some closure. Its sad
>the kids will be without
>their parents, but if he
>is as big of an
>A$$ as he appears, maybe
>its good that they wont
>be with him.

good point i would not like to be the one to find her body next spring.....
Now tonight on the news they reported that the husband has taken the 2 boys and has left Utah and the authorities do not know where they are.This just keeps getting better.They think he might be headed th Washington State where his family lives.(ROD)
2 news last night said he was in washington where his dad is, because hes tired of all the media asking questions. I figured he left Utah to find his wife the same way O.J. was looking for the real killer on a golf course.

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