Devil Pup's


Very Active Member
My sister who is a single mother living in N Cal decided her 14 year old son needed a "tune up" and enrolled him in the Devil Pup program at Camp Pendelton USMC base for a 10 day program. It teaches disaplin,respect, physical conditioning and team work you have to pass a written test and physical test to get enrolled.

This pic is of him and his platoon leader at graduation.

He told me when they woke him up at 0430 every morning it was the start of a real bad day (phyisical training)anyone that has ever climbed Old Smoky on camp Pentalton knows what I mean, he said we pushed, pulled, or dragged everyone to the top no one was left behind. Some of the kids dropped out during the week but he made it through (his mother told him quitting wasn't an option) and is happy he did it. Im really proud of him! Looks like someday we might just have another Devil Dog in the family

Very cool! Very good tactic for any parent that feels their kid is slipping or lacking confidence, especially a single mom. I am glad she wouldn't let him quit - this will give him an advantage over those that did.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yes, very cool! A huge Kudo's to all involved! A lot of teens aren't reached in time. Congrats to the young guy for sticking it out!
What a great post. I know some kids who could benefit from this.
Thanks for sharing and congrats on the graduation. He'll thank you for it later in life when he understands.

ahhh old smokey i miss that i used to look forward to it...i got lucky to be station in the stumps 4 and a half years....sugar hill was worse then old smokey for me damn sand anyways


has anyone seen my kittie

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