Deserts with a ML


Very Active Member
I was wondering how many people here have taken a desert sheep with a muzzle loader. I have taken a big interest in hunting with a muzzle loader and want to apply for areas where the terrain would allow me the cover needed to get close enough for a shot with a traditional (100 yards max). I live in NV, have been applying for a few years, and had 211N, 211S, 212, 134, and 131 when it gets added this year in mind. Any thoughts, or any ideas of areas to apply for that may allow for an easier stalk to a shorter distance?


I understand what you are asking, but as hard as a desert sheep tag is to draw anywhere you better just draw one and then figure out how to make it work with a ML. Butch Kuflak, one of the ca. desert sheep auction hunters just killed one with a ML in ca.

Not sure how many have harvested with a muzzleloader, but I do know a few that have. I think you chances are good at getting a Desert with a muzzleloader in 211N and 134, because these units have more sheep and the terrain is better for muzzleloader. I say if you draw a tag take the smoke pole out and see what happens, but have the high power for back up.

I do know 212 can be difficult, and the new unit 131 is proably not going to be easy. 131 is very steep, and I have heard the sheep will use the P/J in 131.

Good Luck
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-07 AT 06:22PM (MST)[p]I had a hunter take a 13 year old ram last year with a muzz. It added some to the hunt for sure but most of the time we shoot at less than 200 yrds. This is the Az ram he killed.
One of my clients Joe Pechey harvested what I think is the WR Longhunter Desert a few years back 183+. It was a beautiful ram.
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

That is a nice ram!

I have looked at numbers of rams, and think I will put 134 first. I have put it on for my 1st choice before (before I thought of trying to take one with a ML), and have been into the area some, (was just down in the adjacent unit yesterday), and it seems like a decent area to hunt as far as being able to get around ok, and see a decent number of sheep.



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