desert sheep tag

Anytime you can. Try to look at as many rams as possible. We scout year round. Try to get to know particular rams in a specific area, see how they move when it's cool or hot. This will help when it comes time to hunt him.
If I could add just a little to what has been said. Don't get discouraged if you are not seeing a lot of the older rams during the summer and early fall. They seem to just appear among the ewes about mid to late October.

Use the summer to learn access and vantage points. Take note of where you can cross a cliff or canyon. Spotting a ram and then getting to where he is are two different issues.

Use the time to help your eyes and spotting techniques adjust to finding sheep.

Even if you don't see rams during the summer and early fall, check back with the herds of ewes. The rams will come looking for them.

There are groups of rams I can find in the summer, and others I never see until later. The later into the season you wait the better the hunting will become. It is easy to say and hard to do, but try and not get discouraged even if you haven't seen a good ram and it is toward the end of the season.

Good Luck.
It is a hot MO-FO from late June to mid-September.

Keep in mind that when it rains down pours so hard that the ground cannot handle the water and it really can get going down those swells and into those deep canyons...muck city on any trail or road.

Plus the thunderstorm may not be hitting you but the run off travels fast and from a distance many times!

Just be careful and be smart.

The more sheep ya find and locate the more mature Rams will show later in your hunt dates....


I would think a good time to start looking would be after you had drawn a tag!
True but it is nice to know what the unit you're applying for has to offer. We find the same amount of rams in July as we do Nov. The rams are in bigger bachelor groups now through Oct. Very seldom do we find 10-12 yr. old rams with ewes anyway. They seem to be with other rams or alone for the most part.
The rams we were scouting in July 07 were in the same 1 mile area in Dec 07 . I just look where the rain falls and the most feed. It's pretty simple where I hunt.

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