Desert Ram for Jessica


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-09 AT 02:21PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-09 AT 02:08?PM (MST)


Jessica Zimmerman Terry's 163 2/8 Utah desert ram, 11 1/2 years

We are lucky. No really, we are lucky. Lucky for Jessica to have drawn a permit, to have family and friends to help, to have two friends that had the same permit this year, to have my cousin and a good friend who had the tag last year and lucky to take a very nice trophy ram. It really helps to be lucky!
Sheep have long been the top trophy around my circle of family and friends for decades. My brother, Kurt, and I have been "lucky" harvesting all four North American wild sheep with a few extras from the Asian Continent.
"Sheep fever" has rubbed off on my children. When Jessica drew the permit she knew it was a valuable piece of paper.
Enough puffing, here's the hunt...
We knew we should wait until later in the season but after just one scouting trip we started the hunt on Sept 19, 2009. Two days of glassing yeilded 2 ewes. The following week we found 2 rams, 1 shooter and 4 ewes. In mid Oct we found over 30 sheep in 3 days, Four of them rams!
The next weekend was the beginning of an 8 day hunt. (We had the last 9 days of the season set aside too but didn't need them.) The wind was blowing hard that first day and we only saw 1 ram. The next day was windy as well but as always our hopes were high. As we were glassing I spotted a good ram and as luck would have it he traveled within rifle range and stopped. Jessica was relying on me to make the call. I had her lie accross the rocks, shell chambered, safety off, waiting my order. I judged, ranged and made the call "don't shoot, we have 14 days left to hunt." Jessica was good about letting a trophy ram walk away. My mind raced. Did I make the right decision for HER? It was her hunt, not mine. She agreed with me and we decided to hunt hard and let the chips fall where they may.
We didn't have to wait long for the action to heat up. About an hour or so after passing the ram, the radio cracked with my brother's voice "Kyle, Kyle,Kyle." I know what that always means, it means Kurt's seen a shooter. I've heard that from him on several occasions over the years.
The wind was blowing so hard that we only heard every other word. We finally got it! BIG RAM,(Wind blowing) ON YOUR POINT,(wind blowing) JUST SOUTH (wind blowing). The scramble was on. The first sighting was of this massive ram walking under us. Jessica got set for the shot. BOOM! MISSED! She had hit the rock about 2 feet from the muzzle of the gun. The big ram was gone. (We talked several times previuosly about bullet path, line of sight and those darn rocks). Live and learn.
I relocated the ram about 1/2 mile away running then walking up a canyon. I asked Jessica if she wanted to go for a run and try again. Duh, she said "yes".
We ran for the ATVs while I motioned Kurt to come quickly. He set up to find the ram as we raced off to get a little closer. After a fast ATV ride we sprinted, stalked and crawled in the sand to get in position. Now, "IF" we could only find the ram "IF" he was still in that canyon.
After "forever" glassing in frustration I finally relocated the ram. More crawling and we were within range. Jess was prone over a little bush. She was ready for the shot. BOOM! The effect was immediate. One shot from 320 yards and the ram was down for good! Emotions were high and the experience was everything we had hoped. Yes, it pays to be lucky!

By the way, both my friends were "lucky" too, scoring on beautiful trophy rams.



Kurt Zimmerman, Kyle Zimmerman, Jessica Zimmerman Terry


The Ram has some MASS!
very cool and great photos. The desert sheep pics always have cool backgrounds. congrats to the hunter

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."

What a ram! Awesome mass. Congrats to Jessica and you all on a job very well done. Sounds like a great hunt. Luck always has a big part of hunting. But better to be lucky than good. I'm so excited to hear of your success. Your brother Kurt is partly responsible for my lifelong love of anything to do with sheep hunting. My dad is from Lehi and knew you and your brother and I met Kurt back in the days when he worked at Wolfe's. He was kind enough to spend a few minutes with a 12 year old kid and tell me a few stories about you and him and some of the hunts you guys had been on. I was hooked and finally got to hunt myself two years ago. But that just made things worse. Now I've got sheep hunting on the brain and it's about all I want to do. So it's great to hear stories like yours. Congrats.
The story was better in person, but pretty darn good in print as well! I believe that luck is great, but you made much of it with your experience and persistence. Congratulations again to Jess on her stud ram! So email me and let me know how to post pictures and I will share Spencer's story as well.
Thanks for the note and thanks for the kind words. Jessica is so happy and appreciative for the chance to hunt a desert ram.
She knows it is truly a ONCE IN A LIFETIME hunt!
Congratulations on your ram of a couple years ago. Where can I go to see a photo of your ram? Maybe email it to me? I really appreciate it when others share their hunts, thoughts and pix with me!
The Ovis Fever has been raging in my soul for about three decades. (sounds like you have the fever). My first sheep hunt was 29 years ago and the only thing that puts the brakes on is MONEY! I'm like everyone else, never enough. I have been lucky to go on some cheaper and/or cancellation hunts with a couple of drawn tags thrown in. I have a lot of people in my life who have been very supportive. Jessica realizes that it take a lot of support to hunt sheep.
PS; I will tell Kurt that he infected you! LOL

I'll call or email the info to you so you can share your son's photos and story. I won't steal your thunder by talking about his hunt. I will say it's a story about overcoming tough "things".
You and your son have the responsibility to share with others.
We will all enjoy!
One proud papa to another, CONGRATULATIONS!
What a beautiful ram, congrats, sounds like a great adventure, and what makes it better was being to share it with family. Any preliminary green scores yet??
Congrats on a whopper of a ram. You're a lucky man to share a hunt like that with your daughter!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-09 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]fishnut;
The Mongolia hunt was a long time ago (1986). We debated whether to hunt Stone sheep or Gobi Desert sheep that year.
We opted to hunt the Gobi. My Bro Kurt and I shot sheep, Ibex, Maral stag and gazelle. I didn't have a chance to hunt Stone sheep until 2003! Kurt went in 2004 for Stone.

Thanks for the interest! The green score, by me and Kurt, was 163 2/8". This is probably very close to what the REAL score would be. We were conservative with the tape.

The hunt was truely one for the books. I love to hunt but the hunt was made even better with family and friends. I have 4 daughters and they all love to hunt, usually with their husbands (except my unmarried baby of the family).
As they grew up they always looked to me as their guide and COOK. I've been very lucky to have spent so much time hunting with them over the years.

Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments about Jessica's ram! You have all made great comments. I have been in awe with the caliber of people on this site!

Congratulations on a great ram. Hunting sheep with family and close friends is as good as it gets! That is a smoker of a ram to boot! TJ
Thanks for the kind comments. Thanks for sharing your time with me via email.
Your turn for a desert ram will be here soon with your points!
I'm waiting for a call or email when you draw and we all expect a great report after you harvest.
Good luck in all you do.
What can I say.....That ram is a "GAGGER". Congrats, It's great when people like you guys score on such a great trophy. Even better when it's shot by a daughter!
We are all planning on going together on littlebighorn's desert sheep hunt whether he invites us or not! HaHa
Tell mulewomanrose to make more of the same food for us. LOL
Seriously, we had a great time together and I hope we can ALL do it really soon.
Thanks for your comments, it means alot to me, bro Kurt and Jessica!
Zeke congrats to your daughter on her ram. I have a two year old daughter that I hope one day I can share a hunt like that. She is going deer hunting tomorrow morning with us so hopefully my wife will get something. Thanks for posting the picture. Ryan
Kyle Z,

Great story, great ram.

Exciting news for sheep hunters, it looks as if Utah will open 4 - FOUR new sheep units in 2010.

Final decision will be made on Dec. 2 at Wildlife Board meeting.

3 Rocky Units: Stansbury Mts, Pilot Mt. Goslin Mt.

1 Desert Unit: Zions, probably 4 Desert permits. they counted over 240 desert bighorns on this unit a few weeks ago, never been hunted.

Utah is pushing hard, and it looks as if we could get to 100 sheep permits a year. that is a long ways from 8 when we started
That is great news for sure. Like you always say, "there are good things happening"! Thanks for what you do for ALL of US!
I left a voice mail for you concerning GREAT news. The USFWS called yesterday and told me my MP Ram was being released into the hands of my importer! I should have it in about 3 weeks! HOORAY! Thanks for your willingness to run my problem up a few flag poles.
We'll see you on the 5th. Drop down and say hello if time permits. Paul, will you be there? It seems I'm running into you about everywhere! (I'm lucky that way)
Thanks to all for the nice words about Jessica's hunt.
nvnative79 AKA Ryan
Thanks for one of the most important comments on this thread!
I'm lucky, I have a son and 4 daughters. They all hunt and the best part is they still like to hunt with their ole pa! All are married except my 20 year old.
They have a mother (my wife still after all these years) who hunts a little and embraces the outdoors. She has always encouraged me to take the kids hunting with me whenever I could.
Congratulations. Your priorities are is the right order!
Take the kids everywhere you can! They are hunting's future.
Good luck on the deer hunt.

Yes, I'll be there on the 5th. That is one event I try to never miss. UFNAWS has been really good to us over the years. My Dad drew both his Desert and Stone sheep hunts there, my brother drew a dall sheep hunt with Arctic Red, and I have drawn two Alaska dall hunts. Thanks to Ryan, Don and crew for putting on a great event and putting more sheep on the mountain for the rest of us to enjoy.

Kyle and Paul,

today we counted 75 bighorns on the Stansbury. A TON of 2, 3,4, year old rams. Saw 10 of them right on the north tip flying down I - 80 at 80mph. they were right out in teh march drinking water, just of the point of the mountain.

the HUGE burn on the west side opened up 100,000 more acres of sheep country.

there are 150 sheep on teh Stansbury, just a month ago, a biologist counted 29 lams with 31 Ewes, phenomenal growth.

We then talked about and looked at a release site in 2012 (40 sheep hoped for) and then another release site in 2014.

By 2020, there could easily be 750 Bighorn on the Stansbury. Thanks to guys like you, we had over $225,000 invested to put them there. With all the troubles today, it is hard to think out to 2020, but in wildlfie, those are the timetables required.

Just like all of our units, it takes some vigilant management. I hope the next generation gets excited for the seeds we are planting.

Amazing to think it takes 10-15 years to see results. I remember turning the sheep loose in Range Creek. there are now close to 850 sheep in taht canyon (both sides) and we are closing in on 20 tags a year there.

see yall soon

PS great news on the MP ram.

it is nice to know a few people in high places.

bring the horns on Dec. 5 if you have them.


What a Beautiful Ram! Great Story and fantastic photos! Congratulations to Jessica and everyone else involved. I can relate with the emotions and satisfaction of taking a Desert Sheep with family and friends. I drew my tag here in Utah in 2006 and was able to take a nice Ram with the help of my Dad and a very good friend...We're still reliving the experience and the memories! and I'm sure you will also for many years to come.

Thanks again for sharing!
Well congrats MR. Zuckerman. Now I know you will know who this is. Tell Jess congrats and now that I am back from Saskatchewan I will get up and see this fine ram first hand. I can't wait until my turn to hunt one!
How was the Great White North, eh? Are there any deer left up there after you've been hunting? Call me, let's get together and swap stories!
I have about 8 semi-sharp objects that need your personal attention.
I will pass-on your congrats to Jessica. Thanks!
Zeke, Great story and pics!! Congatulations to the hunter on a fantastic trophy!!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Beautiful ram! Great to see your family's dedication pay off. You guys are a great example of how hunting keeps families close! Congratulations to all of you.
I think it is more like family obsession, than dedication. And I am starting to wonder about mob connections, considering all the sheep tags they have pulled down! You know you get a tag if your name starts with Z! JK Zeke!
I am Looking forward to seeing you all at the banquet on Saturday! Come find me because I still owe you gas money!
And yes, It is still a hog of a ram Jess. I am already dreaming of finding his twin brother!
Great looking ram and great mass right to the end. Congrats to the hunter you did very well!
Thanks to all you guys for the nice comments about Jess's ram!
You've made it even more fun for Jess and me.
We had a wonderful time at the UFNAWS banquet on Saturday night. Jessica got to take her ram horns up to the stage along with the other hunters and their rams. Wow, it was great to see a display of ram horns from this year's hunt. I got to go to the front with the other "Full curl" hunters and welcome the new "full curls" to the group. One new "Full curl" was my cousin!
The best part of the night was the PEOPLE! I ran into several hunters that I've met through this site. I got reacquainted with others who I met previously. There were others that I wanted to see but our paths didn't cross.
The leadership of a couple of our conservation groups are WORLD CLASS!!!!(With emphasis on "CLASS") UFNAWS and SFW, to name a couple, do a TON for wildlife and the western hunter. Thanks!
The frosting on the cake was when my buddy, Rick Ellison AKA Littlebighorn, drew a Dall sheep hunt!!!!!
Today I had the opportunity to talk vis email and phone with the 2010 desert sheep sportsman tag holder. Mike's a great guy and he will have a fabulous year with anticipating, scouting, hunting etc.
Good luck to all in the drawings!
If only I can harvest a Ram like that...and have such a great story to tell, then I will be happy in 2010.
I can't quit reading this post and looking at the photos.

Great Hunt!


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