Deseret sold to Les Schwab?


Very Active Member
Heard deseret sold to Les Schwab? Old news? Why would they do that? Anybody able to confirm?
I thought angel moroni owned the deseret?

That would be news to me . I could be wrong but I thought some how the mormon church owned Deseret , and from my experience they don't sale property . They will trade property that better suits their needs .

Thats just my experience from leasing pasture land from the church and talking with the land agent that I used to deal with .
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-11 AT 11:09PM (MST)[p]Its true! The whole place will be burned off and the animals killed..It was found that deseret is the perfect environment to grow Para tree's...


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
From what I heard, les bought all the guided hunts,all the for sale tags.

Skull Designs: Quality European Mounts at affordable prices
Deseret runs east to west about 600 miles wide, north to south is about 800 miles of the smaller ranchs in the area.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Could someone please explain to us
>who are not from Utah
>what Deseret is???? Thank

Deseret Land & Livestock is about a half a million acres of land that the LDS church owns in Utah. They run livestock up there and lease the land to a couple of outfitters to conduct deer, elk, moose and antelope hunts on.
Yes it is a very tightly ran ranch and heavily patrolled, especially during the fall. It is NOT high fence, the game can come and go as they please........regardless of rumors.
>Mormons will Gut Shoot if you
>get too close to their

.........and then blame it on some Indians!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Lets assume lds decided to sell the whole shootin match. I know its crazy, but - what do you think the current market value of that ranch would be?
I doubt they could even find a buyer to take the whole thing. If they did find a buyer for all half million would likely be way below market on a per acre basis.
Ramtag - Well ranches like Deseret, well not nearly as big, but ranches have sold in the past. Typically they go for between $70 - $200 per acre. Yes that is a per acre figure.

But you take the 500,000 rough acres that Deseret makes up and at the low end that would be $35,000,000 and high end and it would be $100,000,000.

Not too many buyers on the market who could write that check, and a bank would not be likely to finance, unless you could find a gold mine, or huge oil deposit under neath it.
With the property they own out to the promontory, Deseret runs closer to 250,000 acres than 500,000 acres. The water right they own is probably worth as much if not more than the land, and I'm not sure if they even own the oil or mineral rights.
Told ya it was a small ranch. Not even the biggest in the USA

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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