Dems vs. Repubs


Long Time Member
Of the candidates on both sides running right now and knowing what we know of each of them right now. Which one do you like so far and why?

The candidate for me right now, mind you this could change over the next year as we get a closer look at the candidates and as the candidates have been chosen by their perspective parties, is Mike Huckabee and here is why.
1. Strong supporter of 2nd amendment
2. He used to be fat and lost a bunch of weight and for fat guys like me that is inspirational. tongue planted firmly in cheek.
3. Strong pro life
4. Strong Christian
5. Supports overhaul of health care system and to move from an employer based system to a consumer based system.
6. Strong border security
7. Only men and women can get married not men and men or cow and man or dog and woman or woman and woman
8. Focused on stabilising Iraq and not cut and run quit go home
9. Supports the "Fair Tax"
10. Strong on energy independence.
I see no real difference between democrats or republicans. On the core issues they are almost identical.

I cannot really pick one candidate from either side that I want to see sitting in the White House for four years. Maybe a dark horse will emerge but right now they all suck IMHO.

NeMont but just hypathetical then, If you had to vote today who would you vote for and why, and no you can not say I would refuse to vote. Come on, lets here it.

I am willing to wager that not a single one of the liberals on this board will answer.
I've liked Huckabee for a while now. I think if conservatives took a good look at him, they might like him. I'm not a fan of Romney or Guiliani and I hope neither one of them gets the nod.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-07 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]If I had to vote today I would vote for Romney. Not so much that he is a great candidate but more because I find the least objectionable. He is the only one that can take away the favorite Democrat issue of Health Care reform. Not that I like the idea of socialized medicine but it is going to be a HUGE issue in this election.

McCain is a joke at this point plus I question his mental stability

Guiliani has never really been a favorite of mine.

Huckabee doesn't always make sense when he talks

Thompson simply will not pull the trigger and get into the game. I have some concerns with his work ethic but I guess it worked for Reagan.

Ron Paul is entertaining and is the only one that says what he means and means what he says. He also has zero electibility and is on the fringe of being delusional in some of his positions.
Huckabee is the candidate that I like the most at this point. I still think the smartest person with "real' ideas on fixing many of our country's problems will not run---NEWT.
Interesting recent poll on this subject. if Hillary or Obama were to run against Giuliani ( republican front runner ) they would both beat him by a small margin if the election were held today.

If Edwards were to run against Giuliani today Edwards would thump him, but Edwards is a long shot in the primary. if the dems get smart and get behind him in the primary the show may be over. but the dems are as stupid as the republicans and they'll nominate the nit wit who inspires them rather than the best candidate.

Right now it's looking like we'll have a choice between a dushe bag and a turd sandwich, both sides will give us their worst. I'm voting for the independent, he won't win but at least I can say I didn't vote for which ever moron gets elected. I still feel the humiliation of my vote in 2000 every time Bush trys to talk, won't happen again.

You said a mouthful on that one, and I agree with you on this one. Neither party has put forth a good viable honest candidate that you can believe will try and keep the promises they make.
As you said, voting for the Independant canidate is just throwing your vote away today, but may be worth the satisfaction of knowing you did not help elect a lying politician that will later stick it to you. But! if enought voters did that and that independant got elected, boy would that shake the Dems and Repubs. to the very core. We can always wish.

OK I hate to be rude but So What Dude and RELH. I understand your point but niether of you answered the question.

If the election was held today who would you vote for. Please give name not party.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-07 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]any republican

100 times better than any demo on the ticket.



would be the front runners for me
Mitt out of the current canidates.

Why bother voting at all if you are going to vote 'independant'? Perot made the best showing EVER for an independant, what % of the votes did he get? All those who voted for him instead of Bush, can be thanked for getting Clinton elected, so those who say they won't vote for a republilcan, just as well either not vote at all, or vote for the socialist, they both have the same effect in the end.

That is a tough question for me; 1- I need to do more research
on the candidate. But, from what little I have done, I don't really have a decision made (yet).

I am a Republican that doesn't mean I will vote that may. However, I will NOT vote democrat with the current list of candidates.

I guess if I was forced to choose, I would vote Romney. He seems to have pretty good morals and seems to be a good leader.
I like Romney. Look at what he has done with the Olympics in Utah and in the state of Mass.

Everyone seems to be concerned about the cost of the war on terrorism. I think we need someone like him to help us address a wasteful government. The only concern I have is how many congressmen/women would support efforts to curb wasteful spending.

I believe he has a lot of integrity.
Vote for whomever you want. The electoral college will decide who will get the presidency and there's nothing you can do to change their minds.
>Vote for whomever you want.
>The electoral college will decide
>who will get the presidency
>and there's nothing you can
>do to change their minds.


Romney although I can see myself changing to Huckabee. I'm breaking my own rule and a bobcat rule and voting for the less of two (many) evils.
This is depressing, there isn't one of them that won't make me barf on the ballot after I mark it. a few days ago I would have said Giuliani but the more he talks the less I like him.

Probably Edwards sucks the least, I can't vote for him in the primary but I would in the general over anything the republicans have to offer.
I actually like three Republican candidates, Romney, Hunter, and Huckabee, and one Dem, Richardson. Of this bunch, Romney is probably my favorite at the moment for his demonstrated business success, and the way he handles himself with a hostile media is kind of refreshing.

Plus, his "Obama wants to bomb our allies" comment had me ROTFLMAO.
Richardson is a good guy, I forgot about him because he doesn't have a chance. probably he could win the general but the dems will never give him the nomination,again only the most devisive get the chance to divide us. sometimes politics is like pro westling if you think about it, a bunch of idiots shooting their mouth off followed by a bunch of fake moves. sad part is it's still the best system in the world.

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