Dems Propose War Surcharge Tax



It won't pass but the dems want to put a surcharge in place to fund the war as was done in WWII and Vietnam. this is what brings out the conservative in me, I want to conserve my money. I pay taxes, and don't have kids so I don't have a problem passing the buck along with all the interest they'll pay onto the next generation. I don't support the war but I do support someone else paying for it, at least Bush got that part right.

I have the perfect solution! Let's Neutron Bomb the entire region and sell the oil to the Chicoms. It would solve 2 problems you have, one being the war and two Iran. The other countries would be like a huge bonus. Russia could be next like maybe next month or even december.
Tell me why this wouldn't be a perfect plan.

A friend of mine in the Marines who has been over there several times said the same thing. Cap the oil fields, pull the troops out, and nuke'em. These people are a lost cause.
Now, now, if we stay there like Bush says they'll learn to love us and become a little USA oasis in the dessert. that's what I hear around this campfire, what gives?

So you don't like my idea? Great way to end the war, remove Iran, a few other future threats and show the Chicoms we mean business. As a bonus we sell the oil till it runs out.

And then we can eliminate farm subsidies and other corporate welfare!
We don't need farm subsidies with prices where they are today, the price for food is going to jump, a bunch. the squealing all the anti ag whiner ingrates are going to do will make all the lean years worth while.

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