Dems looking to Gore

It hasn't happened in modern times but happened at least several times in the mid 1800's where compromise candidates came out of the convention. I'm to lazy to look it up right now but the last time might have been 1896 when William Jennings Bryan galzanized the Democrats and won the nomination at the convention with his Cross of Gold Speech. I might be wrong if I am I'm sure about 10 people will jump on it.

It's just this guys opinion that it might be Gore. I think he just threw a name out because it got him some press which all politicians like.
It blows me away to think the Dems have gone through 7 years of pure hatred for Bush and they can't even get organized enough to put forth a viable candidate. Al Gore? That's pathetic!

Yeah that's all we need 4 to 8 more years of the great hoax of global warming!!!!!Think Gas prices are now!!!
I know, but what's even more striking is that more people voted for Gore than for Bush.

I'm not a Gore fan, but come on guys, you people who are throwing stones forgot about who the republicans are running, yea, that's right a democrat . . . LOL now that's some funny business right there. . .
Not just a democrat but a senile democrat! One guy says this, so it makes it a fact that Gore is the nominee. If you're all so sure, Vegas will give you odds on it, go make some money.
If McCain is the best the republicans have to offer they're not in a position to laugh at anyones nominee. it makes you realize how pathetic the other republicans were for McCain to cinch the nomination so early. both dems suck but at least the contest to see who sucks the worst goes on, some thought is going into it anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-08 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]what really happened was the GOP, early on, got cowed by Hillary, whom, they thought they could not beat anyhow, so in essence, they gave up and quit before they ever got started. Even Newt was disgusted by how the GOP has handled this whole cycle. . .
Besides Al Gore is too busy trying to find a lawyer to defend him from the impending lawsuit charging him with bilking all those old ladies out of "carbon offset" money.

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