Democrats at it again!


Long Time Member
Watching the Democratic candidates pick on each other and slamming the current administration seemed really "high school". Who are these people? A blind child with measles knows things are FUBAR right now.....whats the point?

None of them could give a straight answer or say yes or no, when asked. I guess I would vote for Joe Biden.....he has some 'nads at least....even though he is anti-gun as they get.

Anybody got an idea which one we will get, since there is no way we can get ANY existing Republican into the White House in '08?

I think Kocinich would be best. He looks like he could screw up a one man parade and EVERYBODY would want him out in 4 which time the Republicans might find a front runner.
Have you ever watched a republican debate? I hate to tell you but they're all politicians.
Couldn't agree more, Dude.

I only brought this debate up as it was on last night.

The Republicans don't need to have a debate anyway....none of them can beat the weakest Dem on the list.

They should have found a half Black, half Hispanic woman, married to an Islamic with a physical disability, who operates a chain of drive in Baptist churches and Chinese take out restaurants. Now that candidate could have a chance!

John Edwards made the premier statement of his political career last night, when he said something to the effect of, "why replace corporate Republicans with corporate Democrats". Inevitable.

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