Democrat Controled Congress Poll


Long Time Member
Some job the congress is doing. They are barely over half as well approved of as the much hated president. The polls also show that Americans like the war in Iraq better than congress. I think the congress should leave America. Not much hope for Dem gains in 2008 at this time.

August 21, 2007
Congress Approval Rating Matches Historical Low
Just 18% approve of job Congress is doing

by Jeffrey M. Jones


PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds Congress' approval rating the lowest it has been since Gallup first tracked public opinion of Congress with this measure in 1974. Just 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 76% disapprove, according to the August 13-16, 2007, Gallup Poll.

That 18% job approval rating matches the low recorded in March 1992, when a check-bouncing scandal was one of several scandals besetting Congress, leading many states to pass term limits measures for U.S. representatives (which the Supreme Court later declared unconstitutional). Congress had a similarly low 19% approval rating during the energy crisis in the summer of 1979.

Americans' evaluations of the job Congress is doing are usually not that positive -- the vast majority of historical approval ratings have been below 50%. The high point was 84% approval one month after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, when Americans rallied behind the federal government. Since then, Congress' approval ratings have generally exhibited the same downward trajectory seen in those for President George W. Bush. Currently, 32% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing as president, a far cry from the record-high 90% he received in September 2001. Bush's current job approval rating is just three percentage points above his lowest.

There was a slight interruption in the downward trend in congressional approval ratings at the beginning of this year when party control changed hands from the Republicans to the Democrats following last fall's midterm elections. In January 2007, 35% of Americans approved of Congress, a significant increase from the 21% who approved of Congress in December 2006. That December rating tied the lowest in the 12 years the Republicans controlled Congress from 1995 to 2006.

But that "honeymoon" period for the new Democratically controlled Congress was brief, as its job ratings dropped below 30% in March 2007 and have now fallen below where they were just before the Democrats took over.
Ironic that the main reason people are upset with congress is they haven't been able to stop the war. Bush's unpopularity even rubs off on those who oppose him. Bush is like loading cattle up, no matter what you do or how careful you are you're going to get some on you. the dems are between a rock and a hard place, funny stuff.
You spineless hippies. All you talk about is stopping the war. how bout letting our troops do their job and WIN the war. Wow. What a novelty. Every since Vietnam we have attacked and retreated as soon as we lost a few of our own. It's a sad state of affairs when Americans have lost their backbone. Our troops haven't. It's the self serving public servants. And the weasels that support them. Next thing you know, Communist Hillary will be in office. What then? You people are gonna cower like sheep and let this country become the next Soviet Union?
I am no fan of Bush, but I would hate to have seen what happened if Kerry or Clinton were in office when 9/11 happened. They probably would have not done a damn thing.
You're still on this kick? just win it! what are you waiting for? this would be peice of cake if the mean media and bad people like me just believed right? this isn't a Disney special it's a war for gods sake. winning is a goal not a strategy, don't you get that yet?

If you mean Clinton or Kerry would have stayed after bin Laden and left the weapons inspectors to finish their job in Iraq that would be bad huh? I mean Iraq has gone so well, and bin Laden's dead right? why change that success story my goodness. you guys crack me up, Bush makes a big stinky out of this whole thing and it's the media and the dems fault, you're pathetic.
Come to think of it, one of the first mistakes made was Rumsfeld firing the Army's top General, General White, for his opinion of the amount of troops needed to complete the mission.Rumsfeld could not accept the fact that 500,000 troops were needed for post war security. But Bush is the desicion maker so it's fault anyway.
I put the blame on Rumsfelds refusal to listen to one of his top advisors.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-07 AT 07:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-07 AT 07:35?PM (MST)

>You spineless hippies. All you
>talk about is stopping the
>war. how bout letting
>our troops do their job
>and WIN the war.
>Wow. What a novelty.
> Every since Vietnam we
>have attacked and retreated as
>soon as we lost a
>few of our own.
>It's a sad state of
>affairs when Americans have lost
>their backbone. Our troops
>haven't. It's the self
>serving public servants. And
>the weasels that support them.
> Next thing you know,
>Communist Hillary will be in
>office. What then? You
>people are gonna cower like
>sheep and let this country
>become the next Soviet Union?
>I am no fan of Bush,
>but I would hate to
>have seen what happened if
>Kerry or Clinton were in
>office when 9/11 happened.
>They probably would have not
>done a damn thing.

I think Kerry or Clinton would have apologized to Bin Laden.
Now he's on the run thanks to Bush. As a matter of fact I have a recent trail cam photo of Mr and Mrs bin Laden escaping. See below.


>You spineless hippies. All you
>talk about is stopping the
>war. how bout letting
>our troops do their job
>and WIN the war.
>Wow. What a novelty.
> Every since Vietnam we
>have attacked and retreated as
>soon as we lost a
>few of our own.
>It's a sad state of
>affairs when Americans have lost
>their backbone. Our troops
>haven't. It's the self
>serving public servants. And
>the weasels that support them.
> Next thing you know,
>Communist Hillary will be in
>office. What then? You
>people are gonna cower like
>sheep and let this country
>become the next Soviet Union?
>I am no fan of Bush,
>but I would hate to
>have seen what happened if
>Kerry or Clinton were in
>office when 9/11 happened.
>They probably would have not
>done a damn thing.

Heh! Heh! Heh! Welcome to MM. Brilliant post for openers. You're going to like it here.

Looks like Honey Cammo before you did the photoshop job. Thought you was going hunting? WTF


In the morning, 7am to be exact. My dad is going with me and he's 87 years young. Just as a paid spotter, 3 meals and a bunk that is. He quit hunting with rifle 3 years ago. He came from a hunting, trapping and farming family. They were probably responsible for wiping out most game in North Alabama/ South Tennessee 100 plus years ago.



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