Delisting Grizzly Bear

My guess is it's going to be tougher than the wolf delisting. mainly because bear are less controversial and won't have as much support from stock growers and outfitters as the wolf issue.

I think the bear should have already been delisted, and I think they will be in time. but it won't be real soon. I hope I'm wrong.

Stay thirsty my friends
I hope it doesnt drag out like the wolf delisting.

Seems like most of the reasons to keep them listed have been dealt with already via the courts.

I'll be more optimistic than everyone else, I'll say it will be more smooth than the wolf.
Hopefully some tags for the 2015 season,i think it will move along faster than the wolf issue. How many wolf attacks has there been on humans,as oppossed to bear attacks!
I believe outfitters will support the delisting more than you think 440. How much will a lower 48 grizzly hunt bring to an outfitter? I also don't think the grizzly bear has the following like the wolf.
Its a pretty touchy subject in western WY with all the conservation groups...its great that it is slowly moving forward, but I still dont believe we will get a season for a while. We need one! I run into 2-3 different bears every day guiding in the Teton Wilderness. They are an absolute pain in the ass. We have one bear in particular who terrorizes camp every year, which is why we run 11000 volt 3 strand electric around the entire camp, but he still is there. They are definitely a recovered species, and i cant wait to guide them, because all i need to do is shoot my gun in the air, sit down and wait. They will be coming.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-13 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]Whenever it comes, it'll be a great moment for bear hunters. I can't wait for a grizzly season in Wyoming. I would absolutely love to hunt them in the lower 48. Have a couple grizzlies, one from Alaska and one from BC, as well as a brown bear from Kodiak and would love to hunt another grizzly.

For those hunters who have never hunted them, if we eventually get a season, you need to apply. They are one of the great animals to hunt in North America.

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