Defending your State?



Question for you all?

Quite often on this forum, a non-resident will ask about the hunting in Idaho. Mixed responses follow but ultimately someone will say "it sucks blah blah blah" and then someone will reply with "The hunting is great here and people who say it isn't aren't trying hard enough" or something along those lines.

My question is:
Why do people feel the need to defend the quality of hunting in their home state, thus encouraging more people to come hunt?

State Pride?
Non-res revenue?
Making a point that they are a better hunters than those who say it sucks?

I've never understood why people do this. What do you guys think?

It would be like fishing at your favorite hole that your grandpa showed you. And someone sees you fishing there and says "Why would you fish there that hole sucks" so you show them your stringer full of fish to prove them wrong. When you should just say "yep it sucks...see ya later"
I believe it has to do with ones perspective. One might think a twenty inch four point is a big buck and another would think that a twenty inch four point is in the same category as a fawn. I would be in "same as a fawn" category. Sometimes I wonder if people would like a spring deer hunt so they can harvest the deer before it even hits the ground.

;-) Mickey Mouse Outfitters provides an experience you will never forget, because we always do it Micky Mouse style. We always guarantee shots. It might be at the ground or in the air, but it's a guarantee we are committed to.
Excellent question Yoyak.

I'm sure I've given answers that fall in both categories.

When I first joined this forum, I wanted to defend my state.

Now, I agree that the hunting sucks and nobody should waste their time...
So much to say or address... So much of hunting is subjective. What makes a hunt quality to you or great to you maybe entirely different than the next person.

Really for me hunting is what you make it. Regardless of animals and other hunters, if I have an opportunity to hunt it is up to me to make it a great opportunity. Regardless of everything else going on, it is my decision to make any hunt something great.

The last buck I took here in Colorado was 4 years ago. that season I hunted hard for 9 days and hiked over 30 miles. It was a blast, but the number of animals sucked. I saw 2 bucks and 9 does. For most people that would be a miserable hunt. For me it was cool becasue I was hiking into new country and actually working hard to find an animal. I ended up taking a small 2 point on the last night for food (prepare for the mickey mouse rant). That was a great hunt, in all of those days hunting I saw 1 other hunter...

My point is simple, hunting is what you make of it, either you get out there and enjoy it or your some old grump who is pissed that other enjoy it.

Furthermore, I do not feel that opinions offered over the net are major determining factors on the overall number of hunters in the state. Really if a person is already looking at heading to ID, they probably will no matter how horrible you make it sound. For many the adventure of a new place and a new hunt in a different land is enough.

All that being said, I am trying to put a Unit 39 OTC archery hunt together as a NR, I have heard about how crowded it is, but there are still some good bucks, etc. I have heard that it can suck or it can be awesome etc. I feel like I have to wade through some crap to find some truth. No matter what happens I know I will have fun and I know that the 5 days I get to hunt will be hard hunting and rewarding regardless if I take a pisscutter or a toad...
Good question for the back patters and the chest pounders. I get a kick out of the posts saying you need to get out of the truck and how many like late hunts so they can do a drive by on what few mature animals that are left after otc 3 month onslaught of 2-point killers and doe slayers. But I'll not speak for the whole state as I don't have time to cover it all, just half.

You'll learn real quick to be tight lipped, in otc states, espiecally with residents about what you know and see as good camping spots can be hard to find.
Elks96 has an excellent response and I agree 100% with him. If you dont want to help another hunter out then dont do it. If it bothers you that some people will actually help someone else out, no matter where their from, deal with it. You get what you give out of anything in life and I dont mind helping a fellow hunter, you should try it!
Elks96 I like your opinion; if everyone had that same outlook there would be a lot less bitching.

Femoralarchery and Destroyer350, I completely agree.

Mickeymouse, ya I get what you are saying about peoples idea of a trophy is really subjective.

I'm just wondering what motivates people talk up how great the hunting is in our home state.
Elks 96, Unit 39 is a huge area and the only crowded parts are the roads during rifle season. And since you indicated you will be Archery hunting, that opens up a whole new opportunity.If you put in half as much time as you did on the Colorado hunt you should see lots of small bucks,and a few 190 plus. The country can be huge and intimidating,but it sounds like you are up to the task. Do some summertime pre-scouting, and come on out and have a great hunt with some awesome country, Good Luck.. Oh and that time of year you can buy and Archery Elk tag too.
i think its matter of opinion. if you have only hunted general hunts your whole life that is what you compare it to. I have been fortunate enough to hunt some really good hunts as you have yoyak. this probably skews what you think is good vs bad. i know it does me. Im also old enough to see how the hunting has changed and that plays into what i think is good vs bad. i thinks its based on what that person has experienced as a hunter themselves.

I think some people just feel an overwhelming need to express how awesome they are. Others can enjoy their success without broadcasting it to the world. It never bothered me until my favorite spot started getting all kinds of attention and then I wondered the same thing as yoyak!
Elks96 made some very good points.

Here is my take on this. As I'm a culprit of being proud of the opportunities that we have in Idaho. I was trolling the Utah board a few months ago and it really made me appreciate what we do have. A few of the locals down there we're bitching how they had 9 and 10 points but still couldn't draw a bear tag, of all things. I don't care how "good" that hunt is, that many years for a bear tag is insane. Albeit Utah doesn't have as many bears as we do, but I have no problem encouraging NR's eager enough to come here and knock out a few of our predators for very reasonable NR prices. We can shoot 2 every year, if we felt the need. I would say pride is a big part of why I'm not shy about bragging on Idaho.

Revenue is the other reason. NR's fund our opportunities. I, and others I think, would have no problem paying just a little bit more for our tags because of the opportunity that we do have. Besides, most NR's I have come across in the field have been more polite, respectful and more civilized than 75% of the residents that I've encountered. I think it has to do with the fact that we have so many rednecks in our state. Literally. Most NR won't shoot for meat and probably don't want to fuss with meat spoilage coming from another state because they shot a forky etc. So for that, I have no issue with NR's TYPICALLY.

PS, every vehicle that I have seen with a game animal strapped to the top has had Idaho plates... all jokes aside.

3rd. I think that some of you guys are way too paranoid. I'm all for trying to keep our woods uncrowded. BUT, if you get off the roads far enough, like I know you do Yoyak, I don't see why it raises much concern. I have found a few places in the busiest unit in the state where I haven't seen another hunter for days. I highly doubt that someone is going to stumble into your honey hole because some dude on the Idaho board said that Idaho is a good place to hunt. Giving GPS coordinates is obviously another discussion. Someone is not going to plan an out of state trip based off of some comment that a random guy/girl/kid/dog hiding behind a handle on an internet forum made. That's just absurd.

While you are actually in the field hunting, or fishing in the example you provided, of course you should always convey that you haven't seen a thing. I did that multiple times last fall, even though we had evidence of a successful hunt in the back of the truck. I would assume that is common knowledge. But you know what they say about people that assume...
>i think its matter of opinion.
> if you have only
>hunted general hunts your whole
>life that is what you
>compare it to. I
>have been fortunate enough to
>hunt some really good hunts
>as you have yoyak.
>this probably skews what you
>think is good vs bad.
> i know it does
>me. Im also old
>enough to see how the
>hunting has changed and that
>plays into what i think
>is good vs bad.
>i thinks its based on
>what that person has experienced
>as a hunter themselves.

totally agree. OTC is way different than in draw units. I myself compare otc-public land hunts when comparing states. Draw hunts in most states are good. Private land in most states are good. I hunt otc public land so that's what I use to compare. Also size is different for eveyone. If it makes someone happy leave them alone, if they think it sucks,leave them alone. To each thier own.
Great response. So its pride and non-res revenue. Fair enough.
You made a good point with the paranoia, I'm definitely guilty of that. But like you, I'm more than willing to offer advice to people wanting to kill bears or wolves. Elk and deer

And you're right; it's absurd to think that someone would plan a trip to Idaho based on someone's response defending the quality of hunting in Idaho.

All I'm saying is that if the majority of people in a conversation or thread are ragging on Idaho Hunting, I'll probably let that be the consensus and not argue otherwise.
LAST EDITED ON May-22-13 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]>Great response. So its pride
>and non-res revenue. Fair
>You made a good point with
>the paranoia, I'm definitely guilty
>of that. But like
>you, I'm more than willing
>to offer advice to people
>wanting to kill bears or
>wolves. Elk and deer
>And you're right; it's absurd to
>think that someone would plan
>a trip to Idaho based
>on someone's response defending the
>quality of hunting in Idaho.
>All I'm saying is that if
>the majority of people in
>a conversation or thread are
>ragging on Idaho Hunting, I'll
>probably let that be the
>consensus and not argue otherwise.

Exactly what I was thinking. If someone comes on here and talks about how great the hunting is, I'll join right in and share my pride for the state we live in. If they come on here and talk about how crappy it is, well, I won't disagree, I don't want to be around a bunch of negative Nancys anyhow.

Also, on some other forums I visit, the question about which state is best for hunting or where to move to comes up. I have no problem talking about all the opportunity we have here. I don't tell them where I hunt, but I'm happy to share this state with others.
You're right its a matter of opinion. But what I was asking was: What motivates people to brag about the quality of hunts we have to people they don't know and who could eventually be parked at your favorite trail-head next time you go out?
After a number of years on this site alliances and friendships are formed.
In todays game of hunting LE units if one wants to maximize his hunting opportunities he must play the drawing game in multiple states, sometimes applying in units he's never been before.
When lightning strikes and a guy gets lucky in drawing what might be a once in a lifetime tag, he may come here and ask for some helpful advice from his aquaintances on here MM.
I don't see anything wrong with someone helping a guy out that has asked for assistance, I've got some great advice over the years from some real good folks here after drawing difficult to obtain tags, however I think detailed information should be handled in private personal messages and then upon receiving that hard earned info, it should be respected and not plastered all over the WWW.

Just my $.02
LAST EDITED ON May-22-13 AT 04:38PM (MST)[p]>Exactly what I was thinking. If
>someone comes on here and
>talks about how great the
>hunting is, I'll join right
>in and share my pride
>for the state we live
>in. If they come on
>here and talk about how
>crappy it is, well, I
>won't disagree, I don't want
>to be around a bunch
>of negative Nancys anyhow.

I'd agree with that, makes sense. Let the haters hate! I guess you really don't want those kinds of negative folks hunting here anyway.

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