Def Leppard/Tim McGraw


Ok, i was watching music video's on VH1 this morning while having my coffee and a new video came on called "9 Lives" by Def Leppard & Tim McGraw.

WTF......Are you serious Tim??
Are you really that desperate or bored that you have to go ruin one of the best all time rock bands there has ever been??

I realize this is how the Reeces Peanut Butter Cup was invented, but C'MON!!

I like Def Leppard and Tim McGraw, sounds cool to me.
It has to be better than the video Tim done with the rapper, I think it was Nelle?? Country and rap just DO NOT belong together.
It seems old Timmy has lost his way and is searching for a new identity.

Don't get me wrong, i have always liked Tim as TIM, but he's a freakin joke as Tim/Nelly and Tim/Def Leppard.

What's next, a duo with Yoko Ono?????

Def Leppard is one of my favorites. i don't mind Tim but let him stick to country.
i hear Yoko is already touring with another country artist and they are billing themselves as Dwight Yokum Ono.
Hey Feleno, are ya sure it's not That pathetic Billy Ray cyrus that's touring with Yoko Ono?

Then we could say it's the "Oh No the Billy Ray Tour". LMAO!!!

First, Tim hasn't been country for several years now. His wife, his butt buddy Kenny, and Tim have sold out and become....I am not even sure what it is, but it is closer to pop than country. That is like saying Rascal Flatts is 'manly' and country. WTF???

I do like Def Leppard, but I think they have jumped the shark.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
They probably figured that since Bon Jovi cashed in that they could too.

True, there's not much division between country and rock anymore.....sure can't tell by the way they dress either.
LAST EDITED ON May-23-08 AT 03:24PM (MST)[p]I once got a Def Leppard CD and a Tim McGraw CD stuck in my player at the same time. It pretty much sucked. Kind of like Chris Gaines.

Oh Tim has to do something after being humiliated by his wife almost kicking some ol' gal's arse after trying to grab his package at a concert!

Billy Ray needs to control his daughter now or she will be another Lindsey/Britany.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Tim McGraw is not country. Just pop crap.....WTF, What's this world coming to. I bet Chris Ledoux has a song that'll make me feel better :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It's funny this is brought up.

I just heard on 99.9 kekb this morning that Tim only made 24 million dollars last year.

I'm not a huge Tim fan, but his new song "Kristofferson" got my attention.

I don't think I can picture Tim singing "Pour Some Suger on Me" with big hair, allthough I do think Faith is the type of girl that inspired that song to be written.

It seems kind of fitting. Both started out their careers with great stuff and then sold out to pop. Def Leppard sold out with that piece of crap album Hysteria. It was a great seller for chicks but a far cry from their rocking tunes of the previous albums. Tim is the same. He started out really strong and turned into a chick. You can bet if they do live shows that the crowd will be 90% chicks, 5% whipped dudes forced to go there by their girls, 4% guys that actually like it and 1% gay guys.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I'd say your right on. I went to a Kenny Chesney concert with my wife a couple of years ago and you described the audience about right!
Sad but I guess I have to say I was in the 5% group
Hey, we've all been in the "whipped" group. It just comes with the territory. Putting up with a couple hours of crappy music can pay off big time after the show, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more... Those are the kinds of shows where young, single guys can score with the 40 something "cougars".

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

polarbear is 100% correct. I like the early Tim, and the early Def, but they sold their souls to make afew extra bucks. I listened to an early Kenny cd this morning, The song "Grandpa told Me So" was country, the CRAP he puts out now is NOT!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Kenny's dream to to bang on some drums to a reggae beat, the queer might as well show up to his shows in bermuda shorts and flip flops because the man is not country anymore. As for the Chris Gaines comments, cut the man a break, Garth was going through an awkward stage..... kind of like I did around 11 or so!!! Question is was he serious?? I love Garth's music but the whole Gaines thing was very disturbing. Back on the subject at hand, Def Leopard and Tim is not a good combo, never has been nor ever will be a good idea to mix hard rock/country or rap/country..... or anything rap for that matter.

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