DeerJavaline Hunt OTC archery AZ help?


Long Time Member
I posted in the AZ forum as well. Many know that I try to help people all the time in NW Colorado. Well this year I am the one asking others for help/guidance. This last year I had a chance to reconnect with my step brother after a decade apart. Needless to say his family and my family have grown really close and this next year we are considering a Christmas family trip to hunt Deer and Javelina. He has several AZ points, but I am a poor teacher and have none. So we are looking for an area where we can do OTC deer and also hunt Javelina. Since htis will be family affair it is likely that my daughter and wife will hunt javelina and i will get a deer tag. My step brother will go deer and his wife will hunt Javelina, etc.

We are looking for areas with good glassing (hunting with kids and family does not hold well for packing in 6 miles, but we love sitting on a high spot and glassing for hours). The kids glass then go climb on rocks etc.

We want to hunt lower, we have plenty of high country in CO, we are looking for desert. Pinons and cactus or just cactus.

Closer to Colorado is a little better but not huge.

We do not need any amenities as we will tent camp.

We are looking for older class deer, but not monsters. A 4 year old forky is in more danger than a 3 year old basket 4x4.

Also it would be amazing to get a coues buck over a mule deer, but not necessary.

If you have some units for us to research we would greatly appreciate it. Also If you want to PM then know that I will guard any info with my life and will not blast anything all over the net.

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