Deer Units 90 & 102 Winter Moisture


Very Active Member
I decided to burn my WY max deer points this year due to possibility of 2015 NR quota drop. I know they are not great hunts, but looking at 90 & 102. I read in Eastman's the winter moisture was good so far in 102. Curious if anyone has a current update on moisture in these 2 units. Thx.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-14 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]90's winter has been okay so far from my friends that live in the area, but you might be better served w/ a Region G tag. What did you wind up w/ last year in your Wyoming unit 64 antelope trip? PM me if you don't want to post. If you draw, I hunted 90 in 2011.
Zim---Just curious as to your comment about a possible 2015 quota drop. Are you talking about what the G&F might do for a particular unit or a Legislative mandate for a lower percentage of NR tags across the board? If it's the latter, that can't be introduced until the 2015 Legislative Session and even if they passed something it would not take effect until the 2016 season just like any fee increases being talked about again.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-14 AT 04:15PM (MST)[p]TG - I am guaranteed nothing in either of these units this year or next, only a 50/50 chance. Even if the legislation does not take effect until 2016 or even 2017, I want out ASAP. It's obvious they are out to cheapen the points they sold me. I cashed all my other WY points except these, and I aim to dump everything before the cheapening takes place, be it this year or next.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
I hear ya Zim! I wish I didn't have 5 deer PPs with things the way they are right now. I may end up dumping them on a unit that takes lees in the next year or two for the same reason.
If you are concerned about antler growth, the coming 3-4 months are much more important than winter moisture. 102 has been okay so far. If we get good moisture from now through mid-July, we should see max potential for antlers.

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