Deer in my Backyard!!



Deer in my Backyard!!

Hey you all. I got a story and was wondering if any of you have deer in your backyard or the up road from ya?

I live in Flagstaff, AZ and if you have never been here I will tell you that the whole city is surrounded by forest. I used to live on the west side of town that is slowly encrouching on the forrest and then I moved to the est side where the houses are nestled right next to the Coconino Nat. Forest. The other day I was on my to school and happened to see right next to the houses and in the road, 7 deer. 2 Does and 5 fawns from this year. I thought it was amazing and thought that I would not see anything like again. Well, the next day, I ran into to more deer in the same spot. But this time there was a huge 4x4 with them. I was blown away. I guess I will need to bring my camera now.

Anyone else have deer right next to their house?
RE: Deer in my Backyard!!

Don't have deer in my yard but on more than one trip through you town on my way back from CO, I have seen elk in town! Hunt all week in CO then see them driving through Flagstaff, go figure.

RE: Deer in my Backyard!!

I happen to have several mature bucks not in my yard but in my dang living room... Actually I have a group of about 35 deer that hang out in my yard and on my lawn all winter. One night I took a pictrure of a doe through the bedroom window from about 9" away and she freaked out and tore down my new yard fence!

RE: Deer in my Backyard!!

Blacktails in the yard are pretty much a way of life around our yard


Sometimes to my wifes' dismay.


And sometimes to her delight!


RE: Deer in my Backyard!!

Those pics are great! My kids loved them too. The baby curled up sleeping has a huge "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" factorThanks, Eel!
RE: Deer in my Backyard!!

Awsome pictures. I really like them. That is cool that is a way of life, seeing deer. But here it is usually hit or miss. So I never really when I will those deer again. But I got my camera ready to go and ready to shoot.

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