Deer in Idaho



Looking for anyone willing to share some info on where to go near Boise area. Needing somewhere to go with up to 2.5 hours travel each way. Went up to Grimes Creek and Rabbit Creek are near Idaho City with no luck. Not even a peek of anything. A week later went up to Edna Creek and past that almost to Big Bear Mountain, with again...NOTHING. Did not even see anything!!! Please can anyone help on where to go?!?!
You need to get farther away. 500,000 people less than an hour from those areas. Get AWAY from the metro area. You say you will drive 2.5 hours from Boise, yet you have driven an hour or less. Keep going north east another hour. Then hike for another hour, then you might find what you are looking for.
heres an idea call our local F&G & ask them where they were seeing ALL the extra deer they have been rattling their lips about ALL over the state !!! it is amazing Again how many deer F&G people see right from their vehicles !!
>heres an idea call our local
>F&G & ask them where
>they were seeing ALL the
>extra deer they have been
>rattling their lips about ALL
>over the state !!!
>it is amazing Again how
>many deer F&G people see
>right from their vehicles !!

I actually did see way more deer and bucks this year compared to the last 5-6 years. not from the vehicle, but i did see a big change in the numbers this year hunting the same areas i always. do. hoping for another light winter.


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