Deer From House


Active Member
I just realized how lucky I am. I pulled out the binos and glassed the hill above my house while sitting on my couch. I counted twenty-five deer in total. How many of you guys can glass deer from your house? I also sometimes spot a herd of elk going across the hill.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-11 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]I see them out just about every window of my house from time to time.
Often while typing at my computer, I'm watching wildlife of some sort.
Not exactly what most think when they think California.
Yeah, I'm a lucky one too.






Looks like an awesome place Harry!
I have deer come through every now and then...
Coyotes, javelinas, and lots of quail




>AT 03:47?PM (MST)

>I see them out just about
>every window of my house
>from time to time.
>Often while typing at my computer,
>I'm watching wildlife of some
>Not exactly what most think when
>they think California.
>Yeah, I'm a lucky one too.






What part of California are you from?
Riiigghhht! No pinion trees anywhere near those deer. I've had deer and 2 different moose in my yard. One of the moose chased me in my house twice. He was eating the bark off of my quaky and popped him with a few snowballs. He didn't like it very much!
This gal has been living in our yard all winter. My wife feeds her soda crackers and bread.......and roses......and strawberries.}>

Like HunterHarry I have deer every day in my yard and turkeys also. Had 42 turkeys outside my living room window about 3 months ago. Also have quail, foxes, coons that like to stroll though the yard.

Typical of CA. in the northern part foothills. Also great trout fishing 150 yards from my back yard in a good size creek.

The most deer I have seen all at one time from my porch is close to 250 head. I can get the scope out and see a deer or two early in the morning or late evening on most any day.
They really pour in from Thanksgiving right through the winter. I'm not really happy about the Elk that have been showing up lately though.

But,Yes it is nice to be blessed like that.




Its corn dont be retarded,legal to feed deer in Ca?Im pretty sure Uncle Ted may have taken that pic!
Half the time I don't need bino's....they are in the yard, the pasture, the 2 dogs too and they lay around and watch them...they know if they EVEN think about chasing...they get the livin' piss beat out of them...
Someone's been watching too much Wild justice...LOL

We have a flock of chickens that hang around the house.
My wife is always throwing them food off the front porch, it has become a dinner bell for the damn deer, she is alway swishing the deer away so the birds can eat.
How about lions? My uncle saw a lion walking right through my dad's back yard, the neighbor across the street from my dad had a lion laying in his front lawn when he came home one night, and another neighbor woke in the middle of the night to some loud noise, went out in the back yard and found a lion chewing on a desert big horn sheep,
oh yeah, also have bobcats chasing small dogs and cats in the same neighborhood. At my house on the other side of town, Boulder City, NV, we only have yotes. Definitely not a place or town where you'd think you'd see all this, however with the huge desert sheep herds hanging out in the park in my dad's neighborhood, and large no hunting area, it's a wildlife sanctuary. The city has had two lion sightings reported in the last two weeks!
I love going to Utah to the in-laws and spotting off their back porch. Nothing like seeing deer, elk and big horns.
This little feller has been sleeping under a pine 20 feet from by back door this winter. He arrives about 1:00 a.m. and leaves around 5:00 a.m. Old age and bladder short comings have arranged for our nightly encounters. I'd trade our wee visits for a full nights sleep as much as I up anyway, I figure there's worse things to see in the backyard at 2 in the morning.

On any given day...or night...I have deer, quail, dove, grey squirrel, racoon, and the occasional bear, all in my yard.

On the down side, I also have skunk, coyote and rattlesnakes.

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