Deer Crash


Long Time Member
I was driving to a 3-D archery shoot early Saturday morning & I hit another deer. Thats two within the last year for me, and NINE since I've been driving....I'm 32 years old.
Please tell me I don't have the worst luck, can anyone top nine deer hit?
I have hit 9 pedestrians! mostly at crosswalks and busy intersections. most of them bounce off without any damage
When I used to work for the dept. of Trans plowing snow, used to see lots of good bucks getting killed on the highway, I noticed almost all the skid marks were the same, the driver instinctively would try to beat the deer before he crossed, colision every time...

So now when I confront a deer trying to cross the road I aim for their butt and miss 'em every time now...

I tried that while archery hunting for pronghorns. I tried to shoot where their kill zone was, but by the time my arrow got there, they were gone. So, I tried shooting where I thought they would be when my arrow got there, and they just stood there and watched my arrow fly by. I can't win.

I've only hit one deer while driving in 45 years of life, and I was only going fast enough to bump him. It sounds like you're going WAY TOO FAST in deer country. Try hitting the brakes every time you see a deer. Blowing the horn is kinda interesting to try too.
Not to be an A## hole, but how many of
them deer could have been avoided, if
you were paying a little more attention.

I work in a auto body shop, and I see
hundreds of deer kills a year, and it
makes me wonder why some people don't
look further up the road and pay attention
to what is on the sides, and not just what
is straight in front of them.

I actually scares me to let my kids play
out in the front yard, just because you
have always heard of the balls rolling
into the road, and if a person is hitting
deer quite often, then I don't think they
are paying enough attention, some times they
can not be avoided, but as a hunter are you
not always looking for wildlife while on the
road ?

Just my 2 cents
Well I am a safe driver and have a perfectly clean driving record. I hit almost all the deer at night.

It's not because I try to beat them across the road either. The last two came from nowhere and ran into my drivers side door and then bounced off the bed side all the way down to the rear bumper. I've learned to always look up ahead for eyes at night & I have tried slowing down and swerving and hitting the brakes and blowing the horn when I see them wise a$$es, nothing has worked. None of them could have been avoided and it was simply bad luck, not wreckless driving.

I've tried everything else and I had already decided to take the Manny approach next time and gas it and head right at the SOB's and by the time I get there they should be gone.

Was just wondering if anyone else had as bad of luck, didn't know I would be bashed for being wreckless and a danger to someones kids....
calm down, now take a deep breath, now, is't that much better, didn't mean to preach at yah...

can't speak for Mr. Self rightious though
I've had two collisions with deer. Both VERY unavoidable. The thing that allow me to approach "your number" is that one collision included 7 (really) of them. I rounded a corner and 30 or 40 deer came from the side......a couple jumped OVER the rig and some hit the driver's side from the door back.

The other was a fairly large buck on the way out of the hills from an evening hunt. The guy I "took" tagged it. It was rather funny...except what it did to my rig.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-08 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]Probably an area you'd wanna hunt 'eh
I don't know what to tell you man...except maybe,

1) you are the worlds most unlucky driver, or
2) you drive too fast

I've long thought that a person that hits a deer with their vehicle should automatically have pay a fine equal to the cost of a license and a deer tag. You live or travel in deer country, SLOW DOWN!

I'm 54, been living in deer country all my life. Hit my first deer two years ago. Guess what? i was driving too fast! Guilty as charged. S#it does happen. But in your instance this kinda reminds me of the guy who, everytime i saw him, always complained of getting popped for another DUI...

Whatever you do, don't get a pilots license. There's not enough honkers around as it

Havent hit a deer yet i have had one hit me right rear passenger door and it ran right into it. the things are retarded i have however hit a horse and that my friend is much much worse than a deer the honda element in front of me got the worst of it though hit so hard blew out every window he had and spun it around right into me not fun at all

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
the things are retarded...+1 berry,

I didn't want to sound like an ahole yesterday myself, I was in a pissy mood. My wife teaches and just found out yesterday that when she goes back to school in August daycare is going to cost $200/week for my two girls.

Talk about killing a mans hunting funds
>the things are retarded...+1 berry,
>I didn't want to sound like
>an ahole yesterday myself, I
>was in a pissy mood.
>My wife teaches and just
>found out yesterday that when
>she goes back to school
>in August daycare is going
>to cost $200/week for my
>two girls.
>Talk about killing a mans hunting

i feel your pain man, having the same issue with my grand daughter.......
My father traveled the backroads of northern Michigan for about 30 years.He traveled early mornings and early evenings, visiting sawmills to inspect lumber. To date he has killed 15 deer. I know lots of people here with 6 plus kills. I hit and killed my first one last year. 25 years of driving, many close calls, and two ran into me when i stopped for others crossing. Really stupid deer around these parts!
I hit 1 deer it was totally unavoidable I never saw it woods both sides of the road and pretty darn dark ran right out in front of me and smashed him with passenger side of the truck. I had a grill guard on the front that deer didnt feel a thing.

Up around Meeker Colorado it blows my mind to see all the deer and cow elk dead all over the sides of the road it gets real bad after the elk migration starts.

try looking off to the sides of the road works for me have not hit a single deer and i drive alot of deer country at night.besides i do not want to pay my deductible when i am already blowing my money on diesel.hope i did not jinx myself good luck
I drove 65000 miles in one year commuting from Logan to Park City (heavy deer country) night and morning. Didn't even come close to one until 2 weeks before the gig was over. It ran in front of me at full speed in the dark. I didn't even get my foot off the gas before I hit it. Folded the front end on my Tahoe--Like a Rock, my arse!

I got hit one time too. If you say I drive too fast, you're wrong. I saw this herd of deer coming and came to a complete stop. Well, this extremely bright deer ran into the door of my truck while I sat there idleing. It was deer season at the time and I almost got out and blasted the thing I was so mad....

Aim high in steering but look out cuz stupid is as stupid does (like doe deer, funny huh?)
Do they still make deer whistles you can mount on the bumpers of cars?? Used them alot 20 years ago and seemed to stop the deer along side of the roads when driving.
Yes, they still make the deer whistles. I saw them on a car the other day that had the hood mashed in and the top of the car ripped off from a deer hit. Not sure what the story was but I don't think I would have wanted to be the one driving the car.

So what exactly is driving too fast in deer country? It sounds like some of the hits so far have been when the vehicle is idling. Is that too fast? And when a deer runs out and hits your side, is that too fast?
Piss on it, hit them. If there gonna be in the road oh damn well. I have hit three and I hit one last week in Roosevelt. I was driving through town and the dumb thing just came up and out of the river botttom and whack!! Oh well. another dent and another stupid doe with a head ache. You cant avoid all of them.
In 44 years of driving I've never hit a deer. I did hit my neighbors big dog once though. It cost him $1100 to fix my truck plus whatever his vet bill was to fix the dog. He kept it tied up after that.:)

I never understood that: you hit my dog and I've got to fix your car! If you hit my kid, you fix my kid and go to jail. Never made sense to me...
Azbowhunter said;
"So what exactly is driving too fast in deer country?"

My .02 cents. Anytime your driving in deer country with limited visibility conditions, storm, raining, or night time, driving the speed limit is risky business. Some feel the need to even push that by driving 10 or more MPH over the limit. You'd be surprised at how much easier to see and stop or avoid a deer while driving at 45 instead of 65. In these conditions driving faster than that IMO, is Too Fast.

Yes there are times when deer seem to committ Harry Carry by bashing into the side of your vehicle. Some instances are unavoidable no matter how slow or careful a person is, that's rare. Still though, many cases where deer are hit by auto can be summed up by people being in a hurry, being occupied thinking of something else other than the road ahead, driving too fast, and sometimes because they just really don't care.

I've got two deer both of them fawns, one with a swather, the other one with my truck when its mom ran across the road & the fawn fallowed her into my bumper.

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