Deer 119


Long Time Member
Has anyone hunted this unit lately? Thinking of applying but had a few questions regarding access and what size deer. Also looks like they split the tags into 2 seasons. Oct1-15 and Nov1-15. Any info appreciated. Pm me
I've never hunted it but I know guys who have. from what they say it's a fun hunt with decent access but you have to work for it.

I don't think it's what you'd call a trophy hunt if that's what you're after. they're good hunters and a 160 buck was their best one.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Our hunting group has hunted right next door in unit 120 3 times. 120 has lots of private but we had good success. 119 had more public land and possibly a little better quality. A 160-170 buck is top end.
I hunted it four years ago. I think there are decent public access points and some ranches that will also let you in with a trespass fee. I saw a lot of deer every day but no huge bucks. Having said this, every day was different as it appeared that most of the deer were migrating. On day one, within the first five minutes I passed on a very wide buck next to camp, mostly because my hunt had just started and I didn't know what to expect. Turned out to be the biggest deer I saw during the hunt. I never saw him again. That situation happened a few times with different deer.

It was a lot of fun though and I do apply there still. With weather and patience and a bit of luck, I suspect that one could find a great buck in that unit. Most of the bucks that I hunted were in the 150-160 range.

You can contact me by pm if you want more info.

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