deep sea pics


Long Time Member

The first picture is of my Uncle Rich and he the fish he is holding is an 11 1/2 pound sheephead. The second pic is of me holding, in my right hand, a white fish. In my left hand is what's called a tree fish. All of these fish are considered bottom fish. My family chartered a 35 foot boat to fish the front side of Santa Cruz island about 25 miles off the California Coast. I only go out about once a year because half of the time I get sick. That particular day was like glass so I was good the entire day! What's neat about bottom fishing like that is that you never know what you are going to bring up. You may bring up a ling cod, a white fish, a tree fish, a sheephead, a sculpin, a boccacio, an olive cod, a mackeral, a sand dab....the list goes on and on. About 3 years ago, I caught a ray that was about 5 feet in diameter. We couldnt bring it on the boat but it's size was amazing. Anyway, I hope you liked the pics. Next time I'll take more.

Thanks. Thats the first sheephead I've seen. I love to fish. Haven't done much bottom fishing myself. My wife goes with her father for halibut. My bottom fishing amounts to a few trips out in Alaska. Didn't catch alot. A few halibut, nothing real big. Thanks again and post more if you can.

I used to primarily bass fish but have taken a bigger liking to ocean fishing. The fishing is generally better and the taste of rockfish is as good as a tender piece of halibut that melts in your mouth!! I only get out about 3 times a year but my bro-in-law just bought a used ocean boat so we'll start going out more I'm sure. The kids like it too. Whenever I go out, I'll post pics for you. You are quite lucky to have hit Alaska. I've never been up there but have had friends that have. Their stories don't sound very fun though...always wet, cold and raining! Doesn't sound like fun fishing to me. How was it when you went. Got any pics?


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