Deep sea fishing


Very Active Member
Im looking into planning a deep sea family fishing trip,off the california coast. looking for experiences you ghuys have had with them, and outfitter suggestions,and even prices paid. i understand there are private group rates beetween 16-30 people and intersted in that also. Im also interested in halibut fishing there also, any experience iwth that would be nice to hear also, i ahve fished halibut and cod in alaska and it was awesome. but want something a little closer to home. im not too picky in the fish i catch, want a chance at catching some bigger fish, maybe albacore, but not picky, would be happy catching cod ,rock fish whatever. i just wanna catch a lot of fish and have fun. any info woudl be great! thanks!
We use these guys....

Monterey is a good place to go out of cause you don't have a long boat ride to get to the fish...

Check the tide/surf conditions... The CA coast can get ugly sometimes..Went out of San Fran to the Farralons a while back in 15' swells...It was like a washing machine, not much fun..


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Where do you want to go out from? If fishing in the San Francisco Bay area, there are two excellent boats that consistently catch fish and give extra effort to their guests. These are the C-Gull II, captained by Don Wong, and the New Huck Finn, captained by Jay Yokomizo. Both are based out of Emeryville Sportfishing, and are available for charter or open trips. I've chartered both boats a number of times over the years, and had some truly fantastic catches on each boat. One one trip on the C-Gull, we hit the jackpot with 32 stripers (that's 16 limits!), plus 24 king salmon and around 18 halibut, with the big fish going 31 pounds. That's a pretty incredible day for 16 anglers.

If you're interested in San Diego, put it on here and I'll ask my son for some recommendations. He's worked as a deck hand on a couple different sportfishing boats down there and knows of some good ones.
thanks guys.

kb-haha ya but cali is much much closer! as much as i hate it its easier to get too
ca- yes im a bit more interested in san diego! just much closer . however almost sounds as if sf is the place to go. but yes if you could get info on san diego id sure appreciate it!
Out of San Fran I like the Goldeneye 2000...One of the fastest and most stabil charter boats on the coast... Boat/the-boat-page.html

I think San Diego would be more fun...Calmer water and more species...


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Snort, I agree that the Goldeney is fast and stable, but I don't care for the crew at all compared to the two boats I mentioned above. That big power catamaran is fast, but my experience and understanding is that the captain and crew treat you like you're on a cattle car, while the two guys I mentioned are serious fishermen who believe in taking great care of their customers.

That's the primary reason I recommended the boats I did, rather than the one you mentioned.
OK, my son is standing here and he says for day trips out of San Diego, the following are good large boats: Big Game 90, Apollo, Condor, Pacific Dawn, Pacific Queen or the Spirit of Adventure. In smaller boats he recommends the Pacific Quest as a good one.

He recommends going with a boat out of Fisherman's Landing or Point Loma Sportfishing, as they seem to have most of the productive boats.

If you're looking at a Long Range type boat, the Royal Polaris, Excel, and Shogun are boats I've fished and had good trips on. My son worked on the Qualifier 105 for a while, and they had some real good catches on that boat on his trips. A few long range boats I have not fished on, but hope to, include the Independence, the Royal Star and Polaris Supreme. All are great fishing machines.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-10 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p]hey thanks guys you been a ton of help if i make it out this year ill be sure to post the pics. this year is starting to look a bit shaky gonna try hard but not sure its gonna happen. crossing my fingers! id really like to go by next hoping to have a great experience so i can make this a traditon. anyway thanks again really appreciate it!

also curious which is the funnest fish to catch? overall such as quantity and and quality, taste,fight,etc. im thinkin rockfish seem like the most caught fish out there are they pretty good eating? how big do they generally get im getting that most are 5 lbs ish?
also curious and cant find out how long it is but i see 1/2 day ans 3/4 day trips how long is that im guessing 8-9 hours for 3/4 and 6 for half if a 1 day is 12 ??? cant really find the imfo on it
We go out of Port Hueneme (sp?) in Oxnard a couple of times a year. I think its called Ciscos Landing. Its nice cuz you get there the night before and can sleep on the boat. The skipper comes in the middle of the night and takes off for the back of the island and when we get there, he wakes us up and it's time to fish. My Dad and Uncles usually charter the boat and it is about $110 a piece for 10-12 of us. It's a great time. That's my Uncle Rich with the sheepshead. It's a blast and I only get sick if it's rough! :)



I used to deep see fish until i was told how much humen waste was expunged into the see. No thank you nilli. I don't need non of that hepotitass.
theox- Ya, we usually catch our limit. If you don't knock em dead at one spot, you simply move until you find em. The cool thing about fishing in the ocean is you never know what youre gonna bring up. About 4 years ago, I thought I was stuck on the bottom until I realized I was gaining a little bit of line. When I finally got what I had up to see color I realized I had a huge ray. The thing was about 5 feet in diameter. I thought I had won the jackpot for sure but they wont count a ray for the jackpot. We never got it on the boat....just cut the line. That was one of my favorite deep sea experiences though. Very, very cool to be out there. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

wisz thats pretty cool bet that was a good fight! i have fished off homer alaska a few years back with my uncles friend on his boat and it was awesome i landed a 45-50 lb halibut it was awesome i know its not huge for a hali but in general its pretty big in my opinion. we were tring for the 20 lb range halibut so for where we were it was a big one. took me about 15 mins to reel it in and some energy but it just was one of those awesome experiences. hope to have something like that happen again.
A 40-50 pound halibut is big for here on the central coast. Those halibut are hard to move too. I hope you have a good time whenever and wherever you decide to go. I'm going June 2nd out of Oxnard to the back side of the islands. I can't wait. I just hope it's glass!

My wife and I went fishing out of Point Loma (San Diego) a few years ago and had a great time. We were mostly catching Bonito, and I got lucky at towards the end of the trip with this Yellowtail. They sure are fun to catch.


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