decoys for antelope does it really help?


Active Member
i have been reading about decoying antelope and was wondering does it really work. will it work here in utah on a september rifle hunt or would it be better to buy like a moo cow decoy. i have also heard you can flag antelope any ideas or tactics would be appreciated thanks for any help
I have used a buck montana decoy on 4 different hunts
All have been in September and yes it does the job
Antelope seem to be very curious animals.A red flag will even draw them in for a closer look
One year for a archery hunt 3 of us walked behind a 3'x8' camo net
We stalked from 600 yards to 20 yard on flat land.The hole time the antelope new there was something there but the curiosity got the best of them and they stuck around to try to find out what it was
In my experiences getting from 500 yards to 300 yards is the hardest.Once your inside 300 yards there vision is to powerful to let them know just how close you really are.
I'm sure a moo cow decoy would do the trick.You just need something to get there curiosity going and walk in a strait line right at theme
There was an episode of Arrow Affliction back with the original post where he painted some white patches on his deer decoys so they looked like antelope. He set them up around his blind and the antelope came in easy and fast. They were very comfortable coming near his blind with all the decoys there. It was pretty funny seeing all his improv decoys work so well.
I would be careful using an antelope decoy. It would depend on the unit and how close together you are with other hunters (Utah Plateau Unit- a definite NO WAY! Too many stupid hunters.)
However, I have seen a people use a cow decoy and get within less than 100yds. The key with a decoy is to stay within their line of vision. Antelope do not like to be surprised. Mike Eastman has done it a few times on some of his antelope DVD's and discusses it in his book.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
I have a beaver rifle tag in utah there are only 14 permits if i decide to use 1 i will have to be aware of other hunters thanks for the advice didnt think about other people yeah after all i read i wonder to about using the moo cow decoy over the antelope decoy
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-11 AT 00:31AM (MST)[p]If you are using an antelope decoy during the rut make sure you dont let him get too close because I have heard that antelope have charged the decoy trying to run off other bucks.

The cow decoy works great. I have seen a 82in+ buck been taken within 200yds public land muzzy using the cow decoy. They used it in the morning when it was just getting light opening day.

hope this helps

Thanks elksniper for the info I'm still trying to decide which one to use it seems both work well but I think the cow decoy is safer to use and perhaps more realistic
I was thinking of buying a black cow decoy for an antelope hunt this year. Anyone know who sells the best one for weight, realism, ease of use, and price?

Thought about making one, but it would likely be too heavy.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-11 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-11 AT 02:18?PM (MST)

Make one out of cardboard??

Once I used a refridgerator box, painted it, cut it out like a cow and used it to jump shoot ducks and geese. It worked about 50% of the time.
The cardboard is a good idea. For some reason, I was only thinking of plywood. I looked at the Montana Decoy cow. Looks good, but $100.

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