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When is the best time to start decoying antelope (in the archery season of course)? Do they rut at the beggining of Sept. or what???
The last couple of weeks here in Idaho the decoy hasnt worked very well...if at all.
This last weekend was the first sign of rutting activity seen hopefully this weekend one will come in charging the decoy!
Has anyone ever used a cow decoy? In the area I have been hunting there are a few cows....and the antelope dont seem to mind them walking by...I was thinking about making one just to see what advantages it would bring.
I tried using a small buck decoy in mid October a couple of years ago in south east Wyoming. I didn't have much success but the antelope were already hunted pretty hard by the time I got there.
They are starting to get a little interested as of this dad had 4 bucks come in on his decoy saturday and one on sunday. I think I might hit it on saturday to see what is left in the area....animals have been coming and going all season...but there seems to be a little bachelor group that hangs in the area.

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