Decoying Antelope (photos)



I have been out trying to decoy some antelope the last couple of nights. It has been moderately successful. I haven't had one come in that I would like to shoot yet but have taken some pretty good photos. Chasing these antelope around has been more like chasing mulies as they are right in the river breaks.









Those are awsome pictures! What kind of camera were you using? 35mm film or digital camera?

Great shots....... that second buck is good looking.


If I remember right Cam shoots a Canon 10D SLR digital with some pretty nice glass hooked to it.

That decoy looks almost real! LOL. I have tried to decoy them in before and never really had that good of luck.

We just finished an archery lope hunt down here in AZ and we had a decoy out the whole hunt. It looked like the rut ended 1 week too soon for us. The decoy did not work too good. How close are those pics? We never get closer than 80 yards.
I am using the Canon 10D with the Canon 100-400 L IS USM lens.
The first and third antelope in the series were under 20 yards. The second one in the series was about 40-50 yards. The third buck in the series came charging right in. I had crawled to within 100 yards before I propped the decoy up. He charged right at me and veered off at about 10 yards then just kind of stood and stared for a minute or two before he headed back to his does and left.

I think this one would have made a great trophy. Especially for an archery buck.


You must have some HUGE ones picked out

Good luck and keep sharing the pics.

I may be kicking myself for not letting one fly at that guy. He looks better and better the more I look at the photos. I have seen one better but had no way of getting close. At least I have the photo of him. I hope to get out a couple more days soon before the rut is over.

I agree with NeMont, you must be out for a MONSTER, I'd be plumb tickled with any one of those, GOOD LUCK!

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-05 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]those are some nice goats saskman. where are you at? i will agree that buck would onthe wall and in the freezer if i had the chance. i drew a wy 93 tag i leave in 1 week i think the rut should be in full swing. what would you guys guess his length and mass to be?
Sask, Great photos!

It looks like you had some fun with them.

Keep up the good work.

Vince (Colorado)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-05 AT 11:48AM (MST)[p]Awesome pictures....what good lookin' animals!! What kind of decoy are/were you using??

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