Deck pics


Long Time Member
I'm trying to get some deck ideas and was curious if anyone here has a nice looking deck they can post pictures of. I'm transforming a 72sq ft deck into a 400+ sq ft deck. Looking into built in seating ideas. The tiny deck I had was Trex and I thought I'd tear it out and replace it with Port Orford Cedar for a much nicer look. I also want to try hidden deck fasteners. Anyone have a cedar deck with hidden deck fasteners? I'm using 20 ft planks for a cleaner look. Thanks for any help and pics.

trimming the bush will make your deck look bigger zigger....

Why on earth would you tear out Trex and replace with Cedar ??
I have a ton of Cedar deck and it's a maintence nightmare !
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-10 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]>Why on earth would you tear
>out Trex and replace with
>Cedar ??
>I have a ton of Cedar
>deck and it's a maintence
>nightmare !

I love killing trees and putting Americans to work. Actually I tore out the Trex because I kenneled my dog on it and she peed which makes it stink. She has finally grown into more of a house dog now. I don't like the look of Trex and building cedar around it would have been really ugly. Trex is also twice as much. The deck is partially covered and enclosed so the sun and weather won't be terribly hard on it. Plus how hard can 400 sq feet be to maintain?

There's got to be some craftsman/women on here with pics. Let's see them.
The maintenance that you will put into a cedar deck for the next 10 years or so to make it look like new will cost you more than just putting in trex now and you won't have any maintenance on the deck.
"trimming the bush will make your deck look bigger zigger...."

That's got to be one of the best one liners ever posted on here..... Terry
>"trimming the bush will make your
>deck look bigger zigger...."
>That's got to be one of
>the best one liners ever
>posted on here..... Terry

Lmao! +1!

>Maybe you could use the lumber
>from that old barn.

I was hoping somebody would ask and here you go. Thanks to the state and feds I was able to get money trucked in from all over and I didn't have to lift a finger to refurbish the old barn into a getaway cabin. My property taxes did go up but I'll hit the local churches up for some help there. I rent it out for $550 a night which is a steal but it's the least I could do to repay the taxpayers. It's booked a year out so if you want reservations I could schedule you in for next year if you hurry. It has a nice deck too.

Enjoy the pic.



That is awesome d!! I can't invest that much time into the project though.

>AT 10:21?AM (MST)

>Whatever. Nice fairytale.

It would kill you if you didn't think about me wouldn't it? You took the time to bring back an old post and the thought of you caring brings tears to my eyes. You love me, you really love me. I can't fool you for a minute now can I Dck Tracy? Just let me know how you figured it all out. Break it down so I can understand better.
Awwww squiggy, anything to make you look even more stupid than usual.

Hey why don't you book me for the week of September 12? I would so be there.
Will the deck need railing? The railing is really the PITA part of the maintenance, you can roll or spray the decking in a short amount of time, but the rail takes a long time. If it needs rail, cedar decking with a black powder coated rail would look sweet. I've also done rail out of rough cedar top and bottom rail, with #6 rebar for balusters, let it rust and it looks way cool.

I won't need railing for this project but will for another one. Do you have any pics? I enjoy watching DIY and HGTV and it's cool to see some home remodeling and construction pics from some mmers. I don't want to get done with the project and then see other options I should have done. Just trying to build something I like and get ideas now. Not sure if the Kreg Deck Jig will work for cedar but it seems like a good way to go. I don't want to see screws.

Thanks Tony.
Here's a few of the decks I hang out at. Hope this helps.

Some pretty nice wood work here. The key is getting the gaps even.


This deck is coated with a rubberized material for heat control and low maintenance.


Nickman, if you get tuna on your deck, it may smell a little but just wash it off and you're good to go. Now don't go letting the other tunas smell your deck or they may not want to get on it. You can also buy a protective rubber coating for your deck that can be removed after having the tuna and also helps tremendously against disease from the tuna that could rot your deck. I would highly recommend using this if your having more than one tuna on your deck.

Zigga, the nice thing about you building your deck is that if it doesn't turn out how you like it, you can just shove it up someone's ass! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
You know?
A while back MM had a thread just like this one!
CA you're workin on some NUKE-alization,LMMFAO! }>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>Nickman, if you get tuna on
>your deck, it may smell
>a little but just wash
>it off and you're good
>to go. Now don't
>go letting the other tunas
>smell your deck or they
>may not want to get
>on it. You can
>also buy a protective rubber
>coating for your deck that
>can be removed after having
>the tuna and also helps
>tremendously against disease from the
>tuna that could rot your
>deck. I would highly
>recommend using this if your
>having more than one tuna
>on your deck.
>Zigga, the nice thing about you
>building your deck is that
>if it doesn't turn out
>how you like it, you
>can just shove it up
>someone's ass! :)
>Piper, how's your period?
>Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!
>Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!

F'n Hilarious...lmao

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>if you get tuna on
>your deck, it may smell
>a little but just wash
>it off and you're good
>to go.

Those pictures are wasted on ziggy (squiggly). They're girls. There's some dirty that just won't wash off.
>>if you get tuna on
>>your deck, it may smell
>>a little but just wash
>>it off and you're good
>>to go.
>Those pictures are wasted on ziggy
>(squiggly). They're girls. There's some
>dirty that just won't wash

You just can't stay away can you nv? I feel like I'm your hero and you keep coming back to get my autograph or just to hang out for that off chance that I might care and maybe give you some attention. How am I doing kid? If I were ?Mean Joe? Greene I'd throw you my sweaty pit-stained jersey in the hopes that you would leave an ecstatic little boy. Well, are you ecstatic?
kid? Now that right there is funny! ecstatic? If I was any happier I'd have to be f&$%ing twins. You're the best squiggly.
Monster Muleys'.........a never ending source of information, education, humor and general entertainment.

God, I love the smell of hostility in the morning!
>Monster Muleys'.........a never ending source of
>information, education, humor and general
>God, I love the smell of
>hostility in the morning!

I love it to and it keeps bringing me back. It's like a drug and I'm definitely an addict. Occasionally it would be nice to have deck pics though.

Your wife said you have a nice looking deck and that she can't stay off of it. Don't be shy, let's see some pics. We're all adults here......except nv.
What's the life expectancy of TREX in lets say fairly harsh conditions?
95 in summer & -25 in winter lets say?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Really?....Now I admit that some years, we MIGHT have a couple of weeks of 110 degree heat waves. In the winter, we could have maybe a week of 6 degree cold spells........-25 would be INSANE!

Trex or not, my deck would freeze off, and I have a pretty big awning hanging over it! There is a bag of junk under my deck that would not do well in those temperatures either!
O.K. D13...thats the last took an unauthorized photo of my deck and published here on the the MM site and my wife and daughter are experiencing a traumatic effect from the outcome...prepared to be served with papers and I'll see you in court!!!!
There is certainly more beauty to real wood over a product of ground up shopping bags and saw dust. But the cedar will take far more maintenance than the Trex.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-10 AT 09:48AM (MST)[p]>What's the life expectancy of TREX
>in lets say fairly harsh
>95 in summer & -25 in
>winter lets say?
>I love not acting my age,
>Damn I love my NASCAR race,
>And Hell yes I love my

I have had my trex deck in for about three years in these conditions. Its nothing fancy and I still need to put in benches or railing around it. It has held up extremely well. Personally, I would never put in a wood deck with these conditions. Too much maintenence and I don't want to be pulling splinters out of my kids feet.

But I will admit, a "new" cedar deck looks better than trex.

The one thing I do not like about it is that it fades quite a bit. But I still like the look.

Good luck Zigga and make sure to post some pic's. And remember: Its always more expensive than you think lol...
I have a small Trex deck for a front porch which is fine but I would be spending way more money up front to have matched a dog-stained Trex deck in the back. That is why the old Trex had to come out. I won't mind staining 400+ sq ft of partially covered wood deck every other year versus spending twice as much today and having an ugly deck. It looks good on your house though;) The deck in the back also goes up to the cedar fence so a cedar deck would look better together. With this frickin rain it's going to take longer to stain all sides of the boards. I've never seen it so green this time of year.

Still haven't decided on hidden fasteners.
I don't know about you guys but my deck goes in and out. I usually like to keep it in where it's warmer but because mine is so big, the wife sometimes wants me to take it out. She usually wants me to take it out after she's sat on it for a while. Usually before she lets me bring it in, she likes to blow it off first and of course, I like my deck clean too. :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Zigga, I have a Redwood deck. My wife used to keep it up, but I guess she got tired. It's neglected now, so it turned all gray. I need to scrub it and get some life back into my deck.

>Zigga, I have a Redwood deck.
>My wife used to keep
>it up, but I guess
>she got tired. It's neglected
>now, so it turned all
>gray. I need to scrub
>it and get some life
>back into my deck.

If your wife got tired of it then maybe you can find a nice younger neighbor girl that can scrub it and stain it and put some color back into it. Maybe make it a little bigger even.

caca's wife says his looks just like a deck, only smaller.
You can buy treatments for your deck. Viagra, Cialis......stuff like that.

It makes your deck last longer, and makes you want to enjoy it more.

Be careful, however. Your wife will not be happy if you show off your new deck to the neighbor ladies.

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