Dec 17-18 Rhodes Canyon Oryx



Any of you guys draw the Dec 17-18 Rhodes Canyon Oryx hunt? I'll be out there this weekend and just wanted to see if any other members were hunting. Any of you veteran Rhodes Canyon hunters have any tips? Thanks!

you must have a lucky year! after killing a cow elk, nice buck! now an oryx tag in ur pocket!

i got ur e-mail, not sure if its you!

vinihunt ;)

yea that was me - any tips from your previous Rhodes canyon hunts? How was your elk hunt?
should be a good hunt I drew it back in 2001 right after september 11 and evrything was messed up. However we saw a ton of Oryx. You might try the creek bottom a few miles west of the gate, but the whole area is pretty good. Good luck, make sure you get far enough of the road before you shoot though.
My biggest word of advice is to watch the weather and the weather reports! Oryx dispise cold windy weather and can be nearly impossible to find under those conditions. They tend to get into the tallest brush and shallow draws when this happens. You may want to hike into some of the rolling hills where you can glass down into the brush if you aren't finding oryx elsewhere. There aren't nearly as many mature oryx on these hunts as there once were so you may be gambling if you opt to pass up many on opening morning! I sure wish NMG&F would be more conservative with tags because these hunts used to be a lot more enjoyable than what they are now.

Good luck and I hope you have a great time!
Man I heard that Jims! I worked my butt off in Nov. and came home empty handed Oh well,

Good Luck on your hunt, let us know what happens!
Well, it was a great hunt - saw alot of animals. I was set on a big bull, but I settled for this 39 3/4" cow with 6" bases. All the bulls we saw were short - maybe 32" max.



NICE. How about some details on the hunt? Gun, shot distance etc. I took a 39" bull on the stallion range in 2004. Sure is a fun hunt--isn't it? Conglads--CB
Holy smokes, congrads on your long-horned oryx! The meat is about as good as you can get on a wild game critter. Have you decided on a mount? If you are interested in a pedestal mount I can send you a pic of what mine looks like. They make outrageous trophies...especially one like yours with the LONG horns! There aren't a whole lot of long ones like yours around anymore so you ought to be proud!

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