Death is a strange thing.


Long Time Member
My FIL died this week. He was in pain and not living well for the past couple of years. Wife is ok with it, even relieved that he is no longer suffering.

My buddy Dave, an in-country Army vet from 66-69 died on Tuesday. Colon cancer...and, yea, he had his screenings. I hope you get yours too.

Justr's boy...that one is the most troubling, even though I never met him or justr. It's just that he had a full life ahead of him. Dave and FIL were content with their lives and ready to go.

It just seems so unfair.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Justr's boy...that one is the most troubling, even though I never met him or justr. It's just that he had a full life ahead of him.

I completely agree with you. Seeing or hearing of a child being taken so young is tragic. My son and his friend came over last night for a sleepover and BBQ after some swimming. With the recent news about Justr's boy I could not help but think about all that life has ahead of them but is not gauranteed.

Each experiance is a gift, you can say each day is a gift but it's the expieriance you create that makes the day worth it.

Things like what happened to Justr make me stop, reset and remember that you never know what the next day can bring.
feddoc... nothing strange about death. Everybody does it! It's all about timing.
Godbless that little boy. I'm sure he already has.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
i've never met "justr"
but that hits pretty close to home for me. i've got a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. i honestly do not know if i could go through that. i feel so bad for him now i cant explain.

justr, your still in my prayers and mind, theres hasn't been a day gone by that i haven't got a sick feeling in my gut for you.
i cant even begine to imagine.

keep holding strong buddy.
To me it comforting to know that there is "Life after Death" There is not a question in my mind that there is not such a thing. I truly beleive that those who have passed are not gone they are just waiting. We all will have time we can re- unite. We just need to live our lifes in such a way we can make those who are gone proud. I hope all who have lost loved ones can find comfort in this especially justr, I know without doubt he will see his boy again.
I cannot think of anything worse than burying a child. Nobody should have to go through that. Thoughts and prayers for everyone that loses a child. Life is just not fair. My grandma has alzheimers and has been in a home for years and just cannot go and this youngster passes on. Not fair but nothing in life is.
With every losse in my life there has been gain. I impatiently wait sometimes for the revelations to reveal themselves. Strange I know but this has always brought me some sort of comfort knowing this is all part of Gods plan even though the pain can be overwhelming and appear as "not fair". God needed this young man, for what I do not know, but I have to have faith that somehow this little ones death will have grand meaning to someone. God has his arms around this boy just as he does each an everyone of us.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Wow guys very well said !!!

I have watched many loved ones go, but I would have to say losing my sister was the hardest, she was too young.

Parents shouldn't have to outlive their kids !!!

God bless everyone, especially those that have gone through so much this week !!!

Feddoc sorry about your loss !!!
Though no one can say for sure they have been in anyones elses shoes....we can say that there may be some similar feelings shared. I had a son, Hunter Thomas Wisz, that was born 3-10-98 and passed 3-27-98 due to Potters disease. At the time, my wife and I didn't know why God had chosen our son to be with Him so early. To this day, I still don't know why. We had 2 kids after his death, a girl and a boy, and we are thankful for thier health. It makes it easier to partake into their activites and celebrate what those kids are involved in than focus on the child that we lost and what may have been. I'm still angry for the pain and loss that we have felt. I see no blessings or benefit of losing my first son but I understand it was for a reason. God has still not shown us why he took Hunter from us. I acknowledge that if Hunter had not been taken from us, life would not have panned out the way it has. The two kids following Hunters death are blessings, I find no solace in knowing that God took my first son for a particular reason. We, as all parents should, love our kids unconditionally. I have 5 kids, 4 living and one that has left us. I love them all the same with all of my heart. Death is a strange thing and many times it is unexplainable.

Kenny's loss of his son, Kole, is one of those unexplainable instances that he and his family will probably never understand. I've been there and even after 13 years, I still don't understand. It simply sucks......


Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
i lost my son,and huntin partner 5 years ago.he was 20 and it never gets better just more bearable.the worst loss anyone can experience is the loss of a child.

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