Dearest Founder,


Long Time Member
I got my W confused with my M and my W behind my D. I can’t get anything perfect, even a plea for a prison break. ???

Hope you’re having a great day and in a forgiving and charitable frame of mind today. I do have a small but special request, if you don’t mind.

Would you please release DW from bondage. I miss him greatly and I know he’ll be good if you can see your way clear to release him from MM prison…… on parole, of course. I’m willing to post bail with collateral provide by eel grass, our most trust worthy mentor……. forum spiritual leader and your most reliable student.

If you would PM….. DW, and lay out the terms of rehabilitation I would be forever grateful and internally beholden. At this time of world conflict and trouble it just seems like the humanitarian thing to do.

I’m pretty sure SS! is missing DW as much as anyone and I know he would surely appreciate your graciousness in as much as now he alone has been left to keep the grizzly kills tally and we all know he’s doing a desperately pitiful job at it. Complaining that our bears have stopped killing folks, during the hibernation period. You can surely see the strain it’s been in SS!

Wish you all the very best Founder and please give our heartfelt regards to DW and all others currently being held in solitary confinement.

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I got my W confused with my M and my W behind my D. I can’t get anything perfect, even a plea for a prison break. ???

It’s DW not MD that needs a parole contract!!! Sorry.

My Dad used to ask me, “what in thee hell is gonna become of you boy?”
After the crazy discussion we all have been part of, this is a nice break.
It is only the first of March, with the Big Game Board March 10 meeting about trail cameras, the hunt draws months away depending what state or sates you put in for.
The hunting season is a long ways off.
Maybe we should all go fishing together, that would be entertaining.?
I can’t argue with any of the above posts and didn’t know DW was gone. I can’t imagine what he could of done or said to warrant a lifetime ban.

*edit* I just saw he’s rockies fan. I assume that’s a sports team. Sports are lame so I totally understand why you banned him now.
After the crazy discussion we all have been part of, this is a nice break.
It is only the first of March, with the Big Game Board March 10 meeting about trail cameras, the hunt draws months away depending what state or sates you put in for.
The hunting season is a long ways off.
Maybe we should all go fishing together, that would be entertaining.?
I’m your huckleberry not done. Pacific or Golf of Mexico? I can’t leave until 6:30 tonight.
I got my W confused with my M and my W behind my D. I can’t get anything perfect, even a plea for a prison break. ???

It’s DW not MD that needs a parole contract!!! Sorry.

My Dad used to ask me, “what in thee hell is gonna become of you boy?”

I knew who you meant.

And I miss him too, it's fun when guys take shots at you.
2Lumpy, please don't put the pressure on me like that. I once fought to get D13er restored. Look how that worked out. Has anybody noticed an improvement in the grammar around here? Me neither.

I vote to restore DW though, even if he is a Rockies fan. Nobody's perfect.
Yes bring DW back, if he has to go through a name change I vote for "HumpyJoe"
2Lumpy, please don't put the pressure on me like that. I once fought to get D13er restored. Look how that worked out. Has anybody noticed an improvement in the grammar around here? Me neither.

I vote to restore DW though, even if he is a Rockies fan. Nobody's perfect.
Always try to pick the best legal mind in the room eel. Hell, if you got homer paroled, you can get anybody sprung. Thanks for your support………. Figure Founders on the ropes now.
You’re right, should have been posted here to begin with. Rules is rules.

I can’t focus beyond the first word in any line of text. My bad.

However, back to the big picture:

DW? Did he make parole?
Didn't know he was gone, and here I thought wheat being up 56 cents was the best news you could get in one day. life's good.
Strike one…….. sheesh notdone, you call strikes in a tough league……. Not sure I should go fishin with you or not.
I call them the way I see them.

It's going to be kind of embarrassing if DW is living a happy life and doesn't even want to come back. It's quite possible.

Not possible.

Who is he going to yell at for losing spring bear, if not for me?

I keep thinking he'll show up at the house.

Dude "got it", he was fun to talk chit with.
It's going to be kind of embarrassing if DW is living a happy life and doesn't even want to come back. It's quite possible.
Embarrassment lives here eel.

I just figure it’s always better to seek forgiveness than permission. When you’re stupid you learn that early.
Thinking Founder and Dorsey do Zoom coffees together.....censorship is bad, referenced in our First Ammendment
My experience is hunters 90+% are solid well grounded folks. Let us figure out who we want to ignore and discount. We aren't talking about Yelling fire in a crowded theater here , we sadly are stifling opinions that the left of center owner of MM doesn't want promoted . I don't know what DW said specifically but if it wasn't draconian " Fire stuff" then let it ride as we can figure it out Founder.
Thinking Founder and Dorsey do Zoom coffees together.....censorship is bad, referenced in our First Ammendment
Banning someone or taking down a post has nothing to do with censorship or the first amendment. You should stick to the commandments…
If you don't like Founders rules, you can go elsewhere.

I've had plenty of PM from him telling me to watch it, or stop. At that point, it's always been my choice as to which way it goes.

I doubt anyone who is gone, didn't get warned, and probably more than once.

I like DW, but I'm guessing it ultimately was his decision.

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