Dear Abby


Long Time Member
Dear Abby
Over the last several months I have had the pleasure to work with the IRS. I was appointed a case worker who by the way was a knock out. She was appointed to see how much of my money they could get from me and I on the other hand wanted nothing to do with such nonsense. Other then the relationship I am thinking I want with this Dream Girl.
Anyway as the months pass we get to know each other pretty well. We keep flirting and I get the impression she likes me.
I finally get up the nerve and I invite her over for a home cooked meal. She accepts.
She arrives just before the meal is finished cooking. We have a couple drinks. This girl is like touchy feely really getting loose. I am thinking Wow. We sit down to eat. After dinner she is like all over me. She thanks me for such a wonderful meal we have a couple more drinks and she asks "What were them tender morsels anyway". I told her it was a couple Jack Rabbits I killed a couple weeks back. Not sure what happened but she left and I was appointed a new case worker. Never to hear from her again. I really liked her. Any suggestions

Please Help
If she aint good enough to eat jack rabbit, she aint good enough for you! Hope she chokes on a carrot.
Dear Rutnbuck,

Never, never Jack (rabbit) with the IRS.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
jack Rabbit is not a taxable commodity, she must have lost interest. Quail breast, frog legs, or even wild mushrooms probably would have met with the same fate. No account of taste with the IRS. ;-)

You don't suppose when she said it was delicious she was talking about the carrot she was choking on? I thought she was talking rabbit.
And I wasn't jacking the rabbit she was.
Do ya think if I dangle the carrot, She will come back?
The oyster looked like a clam smelled like a fish so I ate it I am sure she was ok with that.


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