deaf hunters? hearing hunters/guides that knows american sign language?



Hello anybody! I am deaf and loves to hunt!
Do you know anybody are deaf hunters? hearing hunters/guides that knows american sign language? it would be alot of fun to know them and maybe in the future to hunt together or if there is guide that know sign language then let us know that i might book a hunt with them.
Well I love to hunt, but can't help you with the communications. Know several people who know American Sign Language, but don't hunt. Hopefully someone will link up with you.
myself a deaf avid hardcore hunter! im in NM, maybe sometime we can hook up to hunt here in NM for big game! what state are u in? some of MM member's parent or in-law are deaf! but forgot which one!

lemme know if u find anybody who guides know sign language cause im lookin in for Caribou's huntin in future!

I know a little asl only because my wife is an interpreter. She shot her 1st deer last year so there is hope. i am in Fort Collins, Colorado. Where are you big34?
Yeah, i am from utah, so your wife just start to hunting? and congs. on her first deer and hope it is great experience for her. so are you still going to learn more sign?
Thanks, she actaully has a buck tag for the upcoming rifle season. I am excited for her to shoot a big buck.
My 2 daughters probably know more sign than me, I hate to admit it. Yes, I should learn more I just havent taken the time. Someday....Jeff
Hey giantbuck

I hunt every year with my dad who is deaf. We have lots of fun. Too bad you live up in Utah. Also have other friends who enjoy to hunt as well. We live in Albuqeuqeue,NM. Got a deer hunt coming up at the end of Oct. hope to have the luck we did last year. Well anyways good luck on your search.
it is alot of fun to hunt with dad on anybody and that is what make this experience special! I gave a birthday present to my dad to go snake river, idaho and fishing for sturgeon and wow, what a great experience for us after caught 320 lbs fish! Thanks for letting me know that your dad is deaf and mind if i know who he is?
Hello anybody! I am deaf and loves to hunt!
Do you know anybody are deaf hunters? hearing hunters/guides that knows american sign language? it would be alot of fun to know them and maybe in the future to hunt together or if there is guide that know sign language then let us know that i might book a hunt with them.
Hello I know one Deaf man who is guide and packer in Montana
He works for Swan Mountain Outfitter LLC and it is in Swan Lake, Montana Check him out and request for Ryan Jones for next year.
I’m damm near deaf, I don’t know sign language but I would help you if I can,. I will ask around.

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