Deadly combination!


Long Time Member
Lapdogs and a high fence. It's amazing the crap that is posted on youtube. Makes us all look like idiots. I'm amazed that Mathews and company don't try to help separate these morons from hunters.

High fence and all, I bet he had it mounted too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Absolutely friggin pathetic with it pinned up against a highfence by dogs and the guy acts like it's a hell of a trophy. No wonder with this crap all over the net we are fighting a losing battle when there are aholes like that out there and then putting it on film to boot!!!
Takes a Fully Camoed Chevy for that kinda BS!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Proud of his shot between the eyes on a hog standing there with a arrow sticking out of it's guts from previous shot(s)?
>Takes a Fully Camoed Chevy for
>that kinda BS!

Now THAT was funny.

That was just disgusting. People like that make me sick!!! The dogs hunted harder than he did..
That frigged ankle bitter needs an arrow instead of the pig. Heck I think the dog would have been a better trophy too.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Quote:That was just disgusting. People like that make me sick!!! The dogs hunted harder than he did..


Colorado, U.S.A

What challenge is there if the quarry can't flee or hide? It's like shooting fish in a barrel. The end result was a far gone conclusion. Just pathetic.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-11 AT 07:02AM (MST)[p]The more i think about it, the more retarded it is. You need dogs to hunt a blind (nearly blind)animal on a fenced property?? Wow, big bad hunter there!!! Javalina are made for bowhunting. But i can promise you there is no need for dogs or fences. This guy is grade a, prime douchebag!!!!

Lose the fence and the dogs and get a varmint call and that COLLARD pechary would have been in his lap. "WHITE" pechary.... What an idiot!!!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I was rooting for the hog!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
>I'm still waiting on those elk
>pictures from last year.

Maybe my alzheimers is kicking in but I'm pretty sure I've provided field photos, field video, retreival photos and backyard photos. Am I missing something? How many elk did I kill last year or are there other pictures of elk you are talking about? How many different kinds of elk pictures can one take?
Man, that was exciting. He could have at least let the thing die in peace instead of letting the dogs chew him up as he takes his last breath.
I guess I better trade my Diamond Black Ice in for a Mathews. Those are awesome bows! I wonder how a Mathews would work on a porcupine in the middle of the road?

I don't know about a porcupine in the road, but I bet they are lethal on a cat in a live-trap.

Just for the record, Zigga you gave us video of a bull on the hoof, a few pics of a dead head along with some sheds, and a ##### and bull story about how you left a head on the mountain for an entire winter cause of snow. There are so many problems with that story its not even worth delving into........

>Just for the record, Zigga you
>gave us video of a
>bull on the hoof, a
>few pics of a dead
>head along with some sheds,
>and a ##### and bull
>story about how you left
>a head on the mountain
>for an entire winter cause
>of snow. There are
>so many problems with that
>story its not even worth
>delving into........

So how did it go down then? I'm listening! I had no idea it was such an amazing feat to kill an elk but it must be. Please tell us about yourself...for the record.

Next time on "High Fence and Head shots", we will travel to the deep high fence sage brush of South Salt Lake, where we will kill fallow deer just off of the I-15.
>Zigga that be the question that
>has been asked since you
>started that thread.......still hasn't really
>been answered.....

Then you better rush back to that thread because photos, video, story and more photos should answer all your questions. Now please answer mine.......for the record.

Man, self righteous bunch aren't we. ;-) Should have left out the word "hunt" on his intro and left it off of youtube. "Shoot" would have been more appropriate.

So who's booking first?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-11 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]Alright zigger i just read every bit of what you posted and based on what you have given us i have to believe that you in fact POACHED that bull....

Fact #1 No tag anywhere to be found.....

Fact #2 left antlers on the mountain which i believe is illegal for identification purposes.....

Fact #3 Willfully chose not to retrieve IE cow hunter that you took back with no intention of killing a cow.....

Fact #4 Posted a kill shot of a bull

So the way it seems to me is you illegally shot a bull and left the antlers up there till it was ok to retrieve them.....Prove Me wrong Zigger but thats what i get out of it.....

Zigg is that really your hog hunting vid???

Good job Nancy errr bunnyblaster, you cracked the case. You got me.

Where do I send cash to to pay for my fine?? Am I allowed to hunt ever again? You might as well send fines to everyone on here that fits the description you just gave me. The gig is up guys. Bunnyblaster is hauling us all in....well some of us anyway.
Well zigger you done axed me fur my thunk on the subject and that there is the clean honest truth i come up with her all on me own....

In reality though and not too be utterly mean your story is so full of holes and unanswered questions that it almost begs to be questioned....

You remind me of BHWAR, she did something similar posting pics and things then lying to try to cover her tracks, it got so sad in the end, lie after lie after lie left her nowhere to go......

For the record.....(that just kills me LMAO).....your 4 facts listed above mean absolutely jack squat. If you have a hard time accepting that I spotted bulls, stalked bulls, killed bull on video and took pictures of it and chose to leave the head on the mountain for an easier pack out then I guess that is your problem. I can send you another pic of the antlers leaning up against my neighbors house right now if you want. Obviously no picture or video is going to satisfy some of you nutjobs. It satisfied most so I guess you are the minority. Continue your conspiracy theories though as they are hugely entertaining. Chances are I will do the same thing again this year if I shoot a bull out in the boonies the day before a snowstorm. Or maybe I'm so knowledgeable in elk hunting this area that I will decide to kill one during archery season when it's a bit more mild. There is an 800+ foot gain in elevation between the cow hunting area I took the big bull picture in and where my bull was killed. Try imagining the difference in snow depth. Just enough to want to come back and pick it up in the spring. Go ahead and post your theories in the actual thread where it started instead of making a fool of yourself hijacking another thread.

Later bunny and don't stop posting just because of me. Please continue.
Man that makes me sick. Im a very dedicated dui guy. And it pisses me off that this fella is probably going to call himself a hunter. I tried posting a comment along with that video but it said it must be approved first?? wtf? I will never ever in my life hunt inside a fence. period. yes i'am better than that.

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