

Active Member
It's D-day make sure you go make your donation to ODFW, I don't want to be the only one funding this effort.
Am burning my seven point for both deer and elk. Shoot only I live an hour away from Oregon but after that price increase this will be my last time putting in until things change...except for fishing..I love Brookings!!!!!

Powers for elk
applegate muzzle for deer

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
Let me know how you do on the draws, I am originally from Gold Beach have hunted both may be able to help you out if you need it. JB
Thanks for the offer JB! Should get both in the market for an oregon legal muzzle loader if you have any suggestions.

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
HaHa, with all of the guys that are saying that they will be burning their 7 (or 8 or 9 or 10...)points that they have accumulated, it should take 3 or 4 years before you will be able to draw a tag with the number of points needed last year...or did all of you guys fail to consider that?
Heck yeah I thought about it, who wouldn't? But I don't live my life based on what I "think" some other guy might do. Just do my research and hope for the best. Shoot, I am in the running for 4 good hunts across the west this season so one way or another I will get my out of state trips in.

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
1st time in 13 years I missed the oregon deadline. Subconciously I probably just put it off. Used to be less than $300.00 for everyone I put in. Now over $600.00. Considered just puttin myself in. Couldn't decide so that's why I probably missed it. Hope their increase results in decreased revenue. If so, their options would be reduce price, or allot more tags to NRs. either way I'm good.
>Are you sure Bob. I've
>got 14 points.

yep, random pool tag for me.

Looks like you're going hunting too based on last years numbers.
No, elknut has more points. Looks like he'll get the one and only tag. Actually I went for points only. My summer and early fall are to booked with work. Maybe two years from now. Hope the wolves don't get to bad.
>1st time in 13 years I
>missed the oregon deadline.
>Subconciously I probably just put
>it off. Used to
>be less than $300.00 for
>everyone I put in.
>Now over $600.00. Considered
>just puttin myself in.
> Couldn't decide so that's
>why I probably missed it.
> Hope their increase results
>in decreased revenue. If
>so, their options would be
>reduce price, or allot more
>tags to NRs. either
>way I'm good.

ODFW actually made more money this year because of the increase. It looks like it worked for them. I don't see any other changes coming anytime soon.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-10 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]Which way does everyone think the wolves in Idaho are going to travel? Once they complete their massacre there, its just a swim away and Oregon is next! Time to burn those points:)
So now i'm guessing that my 6pts for applegate muzzy will get me another bonus pt for next year
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